DD3 high-cut mod

Phanto said:
Lol No. that was my nickname my cousin gave to me in 2001.

cuz im so fair-skinned, he said i look like a pantomimer. so he said. i am el panto relaxo the mexican pantomime act.

then i changed it to phanto so it sounds more refined.

at least i have story behind my nickname, unlike santa, who is a fag.

i asked santa for a vintage strat and he didnt send me one at christmas.

You silly! That's because the real Santa is a vintage guitar collector la!
"Piak!" u say ouch! :lol:
santa is a good blues guitarist so i heard, he has the elves to backhim up in the band. PLUS his sleigh is made of vintage strat bodies.
of course, 1960s fender bodies that make up my sleigh. only the best tonewood. :D

wah, if i get a free drink i come over i'd have to drink abt 110 cans to get back the price of my md2

sure get diabetes one.
not you. u are the fake santa. HAHAH wtf. then u get beer belly, can look more like santa, but still fake.