DD20 Vs DL4


New member
Hey guys,
Anyone who owns this products care to give a good review?
Currently considering between both?
What are its pros and cons thanks.

Thanks for the link.
Y do i need? Thinking of going analog so i want to invest in a good delay pedal. So looking between these 2 options.

Urm, the DD20 and DL4 are digital delay units that can do pretty decent emulations of analog delays.
Leb said:
Thanks for the link.
Y do i need? Thinking of going analog so i want to invest in a good delay pedal. So looking between these 2 options.

ok so you are looking for a GOOOOOOoooooooooD delay pedal

define the word GOOOooooooD here

1. tone wise?
2. reliability wise?
3 functions wise?

are you just looking for a nice delay sound only? tone freak about delay soudn?? blah blah blah???
Yo Leb.. wassup man.. long time no see..
i've owned both the DD20 and the DL4 before, and am currently using the DL4, so here's my 2 cents:

$320 after disc. at Swee Lee
Boss buffered bypass
Stereo ins and outs
Has an LCD screen displaying your delay time
Has an LED that flashes the delay time
You need to buy a seperate exp pedal to use tap tempo
Latest version has 'Smooth/Twist' controls to add modulation to your delays
One footswitch for bypass, one footswitch to toggle through 3+1 patches

Technical Opinions:
Lots of buttons to press, and the LED tempo display is nice to have if you are doing studio work/need to do really accurate covers. The lack of a built-in tap tempo is a minus, you'll need to buy a seperate pedal plus a cable to connect it to the DD20, which takes up more space in your pedalboard.
The switching between patches can be a slight drag if you need to change patches quickly, as you'll have to step a few times to toggle through the patches. The loop recorder works very well.

The DD20 has a buffered bypass that works very well. I do not notice a volume drop when the delay is activated. The delays are clean and remain pretty true to your original tone. I had the older version without the modulation controls, so i cannot comment on that. The digital models sound exactly like the Boss DD3.

about $420 (not sure) at City Music
True hardwire bypass (manufacturer's claim) when delays are off, buffered bypass for loop recorder mode.
Stereo ins and outs.
Doesn't have a screen displaying anything.
Has an LED that flashes the delay time.
Built-in tap tempo switch
Has 'Tweak/Tweez' controls to add modulation to your delays

Technical Opinions:
Less buttons to press, you just have to turn knobs. I don't really miss having an LCD screen to tell me the delay time as i don't do studio work. The built-in tap tempo switch works really well. There are 3 footswitches for 3 individual patches, and you just step on which one you want. no need to toggle through. The added modulation controls are fun to play around with. I find that the DD20's and the DL4's loop recorders are more or less on par with one another, but it easier to do overdubs with the DL4 than the DD20.

I can attest that the DL4 is true bypass when the delays are off. However, there is a slight volume drop when the delays are on. I am fine with this and i'm not bothered by it as it works with my playing style.

The digital delay models are good, but i find that the DD20's digital delays are more pristine sounding. Those on the DL4 are a bit more processed sounding. The analog models on the DL4 however, are more accurate - they capture the sound of the vintage tube echo, tape echo, DM2, fluttery distorted repeats etc, more realisticallly than the DD20. The option of adding modulation to your delays is fun and you can get some very interesting wacky delay sounds, especially with the filtered delay.

I only sold my DD20 because i went to using POD XT Live. I got my DL4 as i found a used one cheap. I would be happy with either one. Both sound great. One has some features that the other does not have and vice versa. The DL4 costs more than the DD20. The best bet is to test both and see which one suits your needs better.

hope this helps :D
my experience with the DL4 is that its not true bypass. They use a relay but there is still some treble loss.
If you're going to spend $420 on a DL4, might as well consider Deluxe Memory Man, or if your budget allows, Diamond Memory Lane.
Boss DD-6 Vs Digitech Digidelay

Ok u guys are gonna kill me...

advice me on this please, asap,

Boss DD-6 Vs Digitech Digidelay

1)I need a delay for tap-tempo function only-
2)Needs to be boss-standard sized

between this 2,

Based on Tap tempo function-

1) which one is easier to use on stage(bearing in mind that i'm not gonna get an external footswitch)

2)which sounds clearer

3)Which would you go for

4)which has "issues" and what are they?

Thanks a billion (hope that there are actual users here)
Yoz FenderBEn,

thanks for all that info u placed there, it was really helpful thanks :D
I need delay pedals tt allows me to have multiple settings in one box.. so maybe the deluxe man may not work for me. And also i thk the loop thg can be a cool thg to mess aroudn with haha.. :D

Correction on the DD20..

i realised that it can do tap tempo without a seperate switch - you can use one of the onboard switches. but you have to hold down the switch for 2 seconds and THEN tap the tempo. which can be a problem ( in the middle of a song, you hold the pedal for 2 seconds, then tap the tempo - oops the moment is over.. not good)

so getting a seperate switch for tap tempo is still better..

And i stand corrected on the DL4's bypass.. it has a relay and it takes off some highs but i find it pretty good la.. useable lah. :D
personally i like the DL4 sounds better than the DD20 but in my opinion the dd20 has the dotted 8th which is killer for Edge type of licks and which the DL4 doesnt have. That is the biggest gripe i have with teh DL4.

DL4 reliability is also something of a hit and miss. mine crapped out after 3 months i have friends who are still going strong after 3 years so it can be a cause for concern.
Hey for those who owns the DL4,
Can the loop be activated without bending down and turing the knobs?
WHen it is activated we cannot use the delays inside the pedal?

nope u have to set it either at the looper setting or one of the delay settings for your presets. unless u use ur toe to flick teh switch.
I notice my dl4 whenever on has a slight drop in volume and it loses some of the high frequency. Besides getting a MOD for it, what other suggestions are possible to solve it?

hmm how do you tweak it?

mine does but not noticable

and theres only one mod available by keeley but not even necessary
Hey fenderBen, heard u've acquired a new DD-20 over the sweelee sales. Guess wad, me too!

I love it!

The other few got taken by this fella who took a truck load of pedals.
hey gsonique,
nice one there! They've upgraded the Mr Echo unit! Nice... 1.5secs... shucks, I want 1, though I dunno whether I will use that stall/oscilliation function. Wouldn't know till I try it eh?

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