Davis Guitar Shop.


I never ever deal with the men there, my hand cannot control the slapping action. I just go to the pretty girl there and tell her what I want. I never knew her name until now... Janet huh? First time saw her was when I was 15 now I am 28 she still looks the same boy.....

Dont bother with the Davis servicemen lah....they too pissed a white buyer off. The white dude bought a 2k guitar, ask for a free pack of strings, the uncle dont want to give sial.... say the guitar already has new strings. The white guy had a stunned look on his face..
Re: Service

What a coincidence. I'm the same age as u, and I first saw her at 15 too! And yeah, she still looks real good. :D
Scream_ed said:
I've personally encountered good service at Ranking Sports....

yah, ranking svc not ad, the young cute looking gal everytime svc me with a smile, nice to tok to also
how we men get pacified....

That's the daughter of Ranking. Imagine her as a gf, as chan min would say Oh my God Oh my God....hahahaahaah

Re: how we men get pacified....

yah i know, hhhhhmmmm, heard last yr she's gng overseas soon, someting getting married but she's still here now?
SOFTies, please stick to the title of the original topic. Else the forum will become very messy.

* please dont's post stuff that is not your direct experience (meaning - "My friend said...")

* when making post about a person, please think in the position of the other person. how would you feel if the same thing were said about you.

thanks for your understanding.
I think Sweelee is the really strange one, sometimes they can really be bad to you, sometimes really good. God knows why. :lol:
I think Davis is rather ok, I don't really get bothered or anything, there was this malay guy, he was very helpful to me once, yeah.
Luther and G77 is very good, go in can chat awhile, give advice, very very good.
sweelee bb has some friendly staff there. like the malay guy with black specs. that time i went there to service my action for my axe, and he was very friendly. taught me how to string a flyod rose (i was a n00b then :P). and also another malay guy was friendly to let me try the guitars there. well, the older ones arent that friendly though...
Swee Lee

I've gotten nothing but good service from the guys at the Aljunied branch. Especially the metalhead dude there. Tried jacksons and ibanezs for as long as I wanted without being pressured to buy or slighted because of my age(I'm 15-6)

Guitar Connection

Friendly owner who let me try the guitars and never give me any pressure.


Really cool and friendly people in luthermusic. I went in once when the assistant was on the phone and no one else was there and I just took the fender tele to try out through the vox amp without asking him. He gave me a encouraging face to try out the guitars....other shop people would probably have been pissed.

Davis Guitar Centre

The ladies of the shop have always been pretty good to me. I bought a pedal there and was generally happy with the service although the old guy pissed me off abit but he still helped me somewhat...

PS: The other girl at davis(not janet) is so hawt :oops:
Haven't had any really bad experiences at Davis yet... but sometimes the young chinese dude acts a little "dao" towards me. Probably because I look like a rich kid who doesn't know how to play bass :/ If you've seen me with short hair you'd think I look 15 or 16...

Well, I brought in my Marcus Miller 4 for a whole new setup because I didn't have the time to do it myself. The girl wasn't bad in any way but the guy (sorry, I'm very bad at names) told me that my neck was warped and I needed to do new intonation etc etc etc... was rushing for time so I just said okokok and went off.

Next time I went back, my action was super high! I like to play with a low action so this was really... dunno man. I got so fed up I bought the allen key to do my own bridge/neck setup and had it back to a low enough action in a few hours. To be fair to the guy I don't think he knows how I play or how I like my action (I said "low low action" and that was it) so yeah. But still.

The worst part was when I checked the neck for warping... perfectly straight. Put my 1m ruler to it and it was fine. $!@# :(
For a non-guitarist like me walking into Davis to enquire about guitars, they were very patient with me. It was first a (pretty) lady, then a malay guy.

All in all i spent more than 30 minutes in there, and left withuot buying and they were real nice about it, giving me the "got anything just come back ya? No probs."


On the other hand, my experience at Swee Lee was thoroughly unpleasant. :evil:
I guess it takes a little walking around different shops to see what's available, and make some friends. I totally agree that having a friend in a music shop makes a whole lot of difference! :lol: Usually when I walk into a music shop, I make my intentions known that I'm just there to take a look around and am not buying anything. Most people have no problem with that. Some of the staff (or owner) who are not so busy would just chat with me about the gears and music (sometimes), and all that is cool. Just because I dun buy now doesn't mean I won't buy from them in the future. Everyone's a potential customer.
i guess overall it's the stress level of the staff. i mean more ppl they will be damn busy so will get a bit fed up, but it's if soooo quiet i'm sure they wont mind letting you play
i totally agree with Scream, u hav to make some friends with ppl in the shop. with friendship, there comes trust. and i can bet subversion are friends with either adam or jumad in swee lee and janet in davis, if not how is able to lay his hands on all those review stuff. and i sure do believe they trust him too! ask the man...
Actally, the reason why davisguitar got so not-good customer service might be because A little number of their customers got attitude problem.... Imagine a situation. You are the boss of a shop. And many of your customers come in to your shop and wanted to buy some seymour duncan pickups or whatever. You were very polite with them but they did not appreciate and give u some unacceptable attitude. Are you able to tolerate them forever? I once went into davisguitar, it was like so damn crowded and I looked so noob inside that so-cool crowd. One guy got his dunno what guitar(I think it's a flying V kinda guitar and he thinks that he looks so pro with that) on the glass cabinet where the EMGs are stored inside. He wanted to retrieve his guitar, he suddenly push someone in front of me who seemed like a beginner but with converse-.- Okay. It can be a push like "HEY BRO WASSUP" but it is a push like "EH NOOB GO AWAY LEH". Okay, I'm trying to say that, we can view one employee from daviguitar as a whole of the shop, they can also view us as the whole of the customer group. As customers, we are paying money to buy their things but that doesn't mean that they are like someone who needed us to buy their things so much.

Actually, the boss of davisguitar and the other female is quite polite when there is little customer.... Haha. Try to view things from their point of view. (Influence by that stupid book call : To Kill A Mockingbird) It's quite meaningful though. http://soft.com.sg/forum/images/icons/icon10.gif
well. their service is average for me

we should note that davis sells alot of items cheaper then many other guitar stores though. ALOT cheaper

you guys should walk around peninsula and check out the prices for planet waves, daddario, trex, etc at different shops
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I remember a time when I accompanied my friend to buy a starter pack. So the guy there took the guitar out and us try first. As my friend was just starting out he did not really dare to test but the guy was nice enough to encourage us to test. So my friend just pick up hold it for awhile and just bought it.

Dunno about others man... Maybe you gotta express your intentions clearly to them so that they can accommodate to you.
When i stepped into the music scene
i went into davis guitar,looking for a electric guitar set suits my budget.
That indian guy said "Over there" And then he walked away LOL

Maybe they are just too busy la.I mean davis and swee lee big hit in SG.

I've been going to Davis since they first opened in Penisula all those years ago -I've never had any problems and their prices are among the fairest & cheapest in town. No hassles on "discounts" from retail price... bla bla

As mentioned service to me has always been good and by this I dont mean just David, his wife or his daughther ... even the newer staff are pretty friendly.

His shop does get crowded at times so even I have to wait to get service but its cool.

As to the numerous ppl who post negatively ... I just wonder of they have an agenda?

On a added note - I think retail sales staff, after a while gets a "feeling" whether a customer is really buying or just trying.
it's quite amusing to see how some of the older softies (who were younger softies then) used to post, like dharma and jbarks xD

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