as far as i knew, Davis was the only distributor of Marshall amps. i was looking to get a half stack and wanted a JCM800 or 900 head. Davis only had the JCM2000s, which i'd played before in college and not really enjoyed (and of course they shipped production to India between the 900 and 2000 models so none of the 2000s are British-made). so i asked him if he had any JCM900s or 800s and if he could kindly bring one in for me if they didn't have any on stock at the shop and i'd be happy to pay the shipping and everything of course, and on top of that, i'd pay extra for his time and trouble.
he proceeded to lecture me on how the JCM2000 is newer and has newer technology and parts and all that, so it must be better sounding than the 900 and 800, and if i don't like the 2000 i must be a bad musician.
as someone who's studied music almost my entire life, i just about wigged out when i heard that. i was totally flipping out. my friend practically dragged me out of the store.
how insulting.
the daughters are pretty nice though. professional, polite, they don't waste my time, and they're helpful.