Curfew on youths

stillwater said:
that's good. then i dun need to call the police everytime those kids make a hella of noise at my void deck during wee hours. :D

u still need to, cause the amount of police patrolling wont increase lol..
i think 11pm is too early ... but IM AGAINST IT anyway... screw it@
I was talking to my friend about it today and he said they just make sure your parents know what your up to and that your not doing anything you shouldnt be doing
stillwater said:
that's good. then i dun need to call the police everytime those kids make a hella of noise at my void deck during wee hours. :D

What if they're 18? Then you'll still have to call the police to shoo them off...=P
chester277 said:
brudda, i say the pledge every morning in school and i swear there's a line which goes," to build a democratic society."

i've said the pledge for 3 years longer then you, so i know what's contain it ti. seriously, Singapore is meritocracy. based on merits. if Singapore was democratic, half of the Governmetn policies won't be implemented. ever seen any policies having a poll before being implemented? zilch,nada. if singapore was a democratic country, Singapore would be run by DAP not PAP. i wouldn't wanna turn this thread into something political, so let's not talk about politics :wink:
what is the reason for this curfew? i mean the government wont start something for no reason.

instead of just saying that the curfew is bad, try to find out why it is even suggested in the first place. is it a social problem that is brewing without us noticing.

singapore has come a long way in building up it's nation. in fact, i feel it is a little too good to a point where everyone demands comfort and good life without understand the structure that support this whole lifestyle of ours.

there is a youth/family/social problem that we need to watch very closely before it get out of hand.

this is not a "under18" problem, the whole society is interlinked. the action of above18 cause some of the under18 problem. but the best way is to protect the under18 so that they will not come in contact with harm.

** haa..ha... just attended a talk on Family Violence lah, that's why I can write so much.
i was thinking, wow James is really knowledgable. until i read the last line :lol:
and oh, isn't there that other law that any group consisting of 5 or more people wandering after midnight can be charged with illegal gathering? if i'm not mistaken
well if you're not making trouble, doing anything funny, disturbing people. i dont think they will arrest you for bullshit right?

my friends and i hanged out in an open area outside a mini shopping mall, relax talk cock. 6 of us. Police passed by. but they didnt do anything
and i thnk the curfew is reasonable.
:lol: because you kids just need someone to discipline man. =X

i guess they are targetting on those young ah-beng-kids-wanna-be, to keep them from going astray?

you know james, even if the curfew is implemented and police comes a'calling, the maid will prob pick up the phone and say

"sorry, sir no in, marm no in"
You know that's not true. Apologies for taking it too seriously though, but I just think sometimes people just say things for sake of saying something.

rottenramone, this is where the beauty of law comes in. PUNISH the parents.

See, this IS a parenting problem. They are so caught up with their work and stuff that they neglect the upbringing and care of their children therefore resulting in youth who feel detached from family life.

i personally don't think its fair for us to punish the parents. its their right and responsibility to raise the kids the way they see fit. to have the law clamp down on them is just another form of nannying.

in a way, the parents slog it out also for the betterment of the family. have money to send the kids overseas, take piano lessons, lifeskills etc..

i say to avoid all this, set the environment straight. have a better quality of life. instead of having to slog your ass off, its better to have less working hours and have more time to devote to the family.

but at a cost of lower productivity, can we afford to??? :roll:
you got a good good point there Mr Soft.

Our society has degenerated to something like dear USA's. Not surprised to find our kids sue their parents for "verbal abuse" in time to come.

Everything is "free speech", being open minded and what not... all the things that a matured adult can handle, but not most kids.
i always let my mummy know whenever i'm reaching home past 10.30pm. :)
They said they're doing this because they want to decrease the number of criminal cases involving youths around night time right? something like that.
You cannot blame them, there were brought up this way.
Like us, we are brought up knowing that we should never laugh at a disabled or mock someone else's religion and race.
We have limits, and we understand and keep by them.
They were never taught such limits.
Yeah, the parents' are probably at fault. Or the parents' parents. Or perhaps the society, or the generation.
just the other day, i was getting some food at a kopi shop and heard a loud "xxxx you lah, you better come, if not I kill you"

I turn around and saw a young mother shouting to her 10 years old boy as she was walking.

in 10 years time, this boy will grow up and say the same thing to the mother.

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