Cost of a decent refretting job on a maple neck


Regarding this budget thing, if due to budget constrains, would you recommend something you deem/think/assume/consider "worse"?

Because, on my side here, I wouldn't.
If the threadstarter's reason is budget, I wouldn't recommend anything to him unless he revealed his budget, requirements, etc.

That's why I'm not recommending him anything. The best solution for him is to find out for himself on the options available for his budget. He will learn greatly from the experience.

Recommending him Malcolm for refretting (on the assumption that he can afford it) was quite forward thinking on your part!


It would have certainly helped the threadstarter if you had clarified with him on his budget and requirements before spewing out Malcolm's name.

Cheers Cow! I know you wouldn't have recommended Malcolm if you knew he was tight on budget. We're all practical people, aren't we all?
Beefy said:
Cheers Cow! I know you wouldn't have recommended Malcolm if you knew he was tight on budget. We're all practical people, aren't we all?

Hahaha... practical? Me? 8O U know how much I would fork out on seemingly inane things. Methinks you would know how I view the guitar and that's where the word "practicality" probably doesn't even exist! :cry:

Yes, if I had known his budget that might have been a different matter if its not for a refret. Who else would you recommend for a worthy refret?

I have HEARD of a good fretjob available @ Luther's recently, I don't know if the chap is still there doing it, and I have never seen the fretjobs myself. I don't dare to recommend that because a refret isn't like buying pedals...

EDIT: Forgot emoticons...
I wouldn't comment on how you spend your doe or your character trait. It's entirely your decision/own doing. Cheers! You're an exception and you have your reasons! So, if you now state that "practicality" probably doesn't even exist for you, you shouldn't have given any advice to the threadstarter.

Now, who here (now that you've stated that), would want to take your recommendation when you recommend Malcolm? You're doing more harm than good through your last post, lowering your credibility. First, you recommend Malcolm to nearly every threadstarter who needs help on their guitar. Now you say "practicality" probably doesn't even exist! That equates to an impractical person recommending Malcolm's services. Please give it a serious thought, cow.

Can you be taken seriously? The answer is best left to people reading this thread.

I was referring to being practical on spending money. Let the threadstarter find out for himself in which he will learn more. All of us can assist him by making practical recommendations.

Thank you and I'm now off to Bangkok. Chok Dee kap!

Cheers cow!
Beefy said:
First, you recommend Malcolm to nearly every threadstarter who needs help on their guitar.

There are very obvious patterns, wonder if mr.cow's opinions still matter, might as well just compile a list.

Recommendations on:
Guitar repairs etc = Malcolm
Pickups = Has-sound
Overdrive = Blackstone
Fuzz/OD = Screwdriver
Boost = Gsonique's Boost
Comp = Gsonique's Citrus
Wah = RMC2

The man's like an advertisement, good or bad, you decide la. Follow the recommendations and you be shredcow ver.2.0
Beefy said:
Can you be taken seriously? The answer is best left to people reading this thread.

I was referring to being practical on spending money. Let the threadstarter find out for himself in which he will learn more. All of us can assist him by making practical recommendations.

There be needs to have more skills in emoticon-ing for me!

As you said, practical in spending money... does spending $550 on a TC Electronics Chorus sound practical to you? It does to me if you like the tone. Or how about 2k on a Mesa Boogie Lonestar that you might only get to crank every weekend? Sure, if you like the tone.

If you really want/like something, practicality goes out of the window. Don't think I need to explain anymore... its just my view on this aspect of guitar-dom.

Saddest part is when the threadstarter goes to find out for himself which is practical and (possibly) end up with a shoddy job, (possibly) with damage that might be irriversible to the instrument. Refrets is not an area to be "practical" over cash, but practical over the refret itself IMO.

Which begs the question, where are your recommendations for refrets?

Have a good time in Bangkok. May you find cheap cheap deals on guitars like my friend who got a 1983 Gibson LP at some cheap cheap price! I suppose thats good huh...
Audiophile said:
There are very obvious patterns, wonder if mr.cow's opinions still matter, might as well just compile a list.

Everyone's opinions matter. Yours too. But credit has to be given where it's due, at least Dan makes the effort to recommend. Be it if he's over zealous or not.

You can't be Shredcow ver. 2.0 because you don't play like me?

Good gear = good gear, deserves to be mentioned no? Or there is a limit to mentioning?

I wonder if you have been watching me post about recommendations of Tech21 products, Boss products and Ibanez products, because I have been doing so. If you are here to post one of the rare posts because your friend is involved in the discussion or some other reason, then well, I suppose that's that?

I am over jealous. :D Something I'm learning to tame but I can't find no good reason to stop recommending things that I find are good.

hey shredcow, other than malcolm and luther, do you know of any luthiers in sg (regardless of price and quality)?

me trying to source for one too.
Re: ..

I think Ciel did send you a link to one guy? Bzelize guitars or something? I have only seen his website though...

There's the people down at penni...

Otherwise... I have no idea... You can ask Grey. He claims to know a few lutheirs (better than Malcolm according to him) but whether they wish to be known, that is a different matter.
Wahh since when did this become such a huge thread. All i did was ask for a recommendation for a fret job! :lol: :lol:
But i really appreciate the recommendations and suggestions posted by everyone here. I'm sure shredcow came out with his recommendation out of goodwill and maybe it might come across harsh but i'm sure the intent is good. So cheers everyone! I know many people are passionate about their instruments and personally i am too. And there are times where budget and practiability do go out of the window in my case as well. In the current context its the 80s fender strat i just acquired second hand even tho i knew that the frets were worn and its in bad need of a refret. But i just loved the feel of the neck and tone of the guitar so much that everything else din matter. But after playing it for several days i knew i HAD to do something about it. Its like choosing between your possible future dream axe and cleaning out your bank account. Which one would you you softies choose? :wink: Maybe i should just give up my degree studies and persue guitar making! :lol:
So either i can find a person who can do a decent job for me at a comfortable price, or i explore other options. I don't really go for brands, so what i feel is that if there is someone out there whom anyone knows does a decent job for a good price, recommend me! I'm sure all other softies here can benefit from it.
P.S. I hardly spend anything on shopping. Everything i spend is on guitar. :lol:
Acherlly, I have a friend who got his Tele DEFRETTED by Malcolm. He told me it was a goot job done.

Edit: Actually, it was bro Pathein bro...

Why refret when you can defret? It's like playing a whole new instrument!!!

Btw, bro Beefy bro... I also wanna go BKK... :cry:
I think I mentioned some of my experiences above with various repair people. At the end of the day, if you like your instrument you should get a proper job done.

Its not only about price.... you pay peanuts you get monkeys....
ShredCow said:
As you said, practical in spending money... does spending $550 on a TC Electronics Chorus sound practical to you? It does to me if you like the tone. Or how about 2k on a Mesa Boogie Lonestar that you might only get to crank every weekend? Sure, if you like the tone.

Why am i being brought up in the discussion? :x

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