China's Fur Farm

My deepest apologies, but I don't think I can sympathise with people who carry out such acts of perversion. But of course, my condolences to the families who have lost loved ones. My heart goes out to the little kids who are so adversely affected.

Then again, I don't believe in Karma. Shit happens though. Too bad. Hopefully, them PRCs being as traditionally superstitious as they are, would see this as a sign and stop skinning those poor animals.
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not funny, i think if u love animals that much, you should also spare some of your sympathy for your fellow human beings

those people can fend for themselves!
who do they think they are anyway? trying to make a buck for themselves while thousands of animals suffer!
but animals!
who will think for these poor animals!
thank god for PETA!
I sleep better at night knowing there are people out there willing to fight for the justice of those poor animals :)

those cute animals!
try fending for yourself if you're stuck in 15 feet of rubble.
of course it's easy for you to say when ur sitting in front your computer and typing away.
this karma thing is total bull. why would thousands die to pay for the cruelty carried out by a few? and there are not just chinese among the victims but tibetans and other minorities.
well, u gotta fly to some ultra ulu place deep west of china and find a way to tell them in their local dialect. mr zhang and his family of 9 children are probably too busy trying to make ends meet.

all we can do is to put this up on the net voicing our displeasure? you can always "think global, act local". so let's begin to do something.

Maybe it's ok too then if Mr. Zhang and his 9 children eat other families in the area too so they can survive? What's wrong, they got tired of rice?

I see your point, it hard to stop all bad things on earth by self, but education is big step in right direction. More people know, problem get visible.

Hard to act 'local' when problems far away. Need help from big boys in gov. some time
oh well, things like this have been happening in the world. ive seen to much. maybe thing that are not meant to be seen. I guess its just human nature. I just believe everythign happens for a reason and i DO believe in karma. well if all else fails, you can always wait for what happens to these guys in hell.

for all i care, i know i AM going to hell, i've sin too much.
but its not too late to repent( but not now, i've yet to enjoy life to the fullest!)
not funny, i think if u love animals that much, you should also spare some of your sympathy for your fellow human beings

+1. Well said. Agree with Aki S. Ian also, not exactly karma but something similar... I do believe in retribution (I still believe God exists) though I've become kinda an athiest lately.
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Karma exists because we have the disturbing and sadistic desire to see the perpertrators pay for what they did in kind.

PETA is just as trustworthy as the chinese state's news agencies. So unless you've been there in person, experienced it first hand, there is no way you have have a fair oppinion of this issue.
Maybe it's ok too then if Mr. Zhang and his 9 children eat other families in the area too so they can survive? What's wrong, they got tired of rice?

I see your point, it hard to stop all bad things on earth by self, but education is big step in right direction. More people know, problem get visible.

Hard to act 'local' when problems far away. Need help from big boys in gov. some time

Apologies for that, Mr Zhang should only, by PRC law, have one child.

I don't know if PRC has a history of cannibalism or not, but agree that education is a huge step away from farming of this kind. After all, casino and illegal dvd websites need a certain level of knowledge to set up.

I think the "depending on gov's help" thing has been enshrined in our singaporean thinking. Yes, they have leverage, but they started from zero 40 yrs back. All we need to do is get our butts off.
its funny how we can preach so much about this but then in a day or two it leaves our mind and we are again eating the patties without the slightest thought of it crossing our mind. we all talk alot.
try fending for yourself if you're stuck in 15 feet of rubble.
of course it's easy for you to say when ur sitting in front your computer and typing away.
this karma thing is total bull. why would thousands die to pay for the cruelty carried out by a few? and there are not just chinese among the victims but tibetans and other minorities.

try fending for yourself if you have crazy chinese farmers trying to inject chemicals so he can skin your ass everyday of your life
it's easy for you to say if you're in front of a computer typing words

farmers should work with PETA to effectively lobby against the government so they can get what they want~
dir when you quoted 3rd_stone_fr_the_sun, are you comparing humans with animals?

Regardless, we should work towards a better world. It starts by being nicer with each others. It could start in SOFT.

What we see is the result of demands for fur. I dont think the farmers enjoy it. But for survival, they have to feed their family, they have to do it.

For alot of us in Singapore, we might not experience their desperation because our environment is better. We are brought up without much worries about survival.

Again, the purpose of this thread is to raise awareness and not to create hatred. Do not be angry with the farmers, go discourage the consumers.

When the buying stops, the killing stops.
Honestly, I did not click any of the Videos, just read.

Cause I'm a Meat-Lover and I can't go without Meat (I eat all kinds of meat - but cooked meat), and is allergic to all SeaFood (couple with the fact that I don't like Vegetables) - - -

If I cant Have Meat.tttttttttt I will die a terrible death.

Oh Help me? Hahahahaha
