because they think fur is a status symbol.
like "omg i have a mink coat in effing rich".
singaporeans are very obsessed with status symols.
we do so much to show our supremity.
we wear fur, we abuse animals, we eat sharksfin.
hell, i don't even like dog owners dressing up their dogs.
it's ridiculous making them wear an extra layer on top of fur.
I know how random this is... but I just saw an educational video in school last week. During the economic crisis in America farmers would slaughter livestock in order to reduce supply in an attempt to boost prices. It was pretty crazy... They had a clip of a farmer dumping a chicks into a bucket of water (to drown them). Then the video showed the farmer picking up a chick which had missed the bucket and tossing it into the bucket of water.
I'll have a pass on the sharkfin's too. Many other forms of delicacy. Its just unethical how they do it. a couple of years back, I read this in AsianGeographic. They simply Cut off their fins and dump them back into the ocean. How are they possibly gonna survive when they can't even swim? Since then i say, no sharkfin for me. and fur..dun even get me started on that.