Children & Atheism in new Christmas movie

widdly: See, that's exactly it! Chickens!

"In religion it means not knowing whether there is or isn't a go."


Weak Atheists are chickens too.

Agnosticism is a desperate attempt at creating a belief system out of doubts, so is "weak" Atheism. Unitarian Universalism would suffice for both :mrgreen: Dharma, if Satanists believe in God, there is no need for that term. Satanists only aknowledge the existence of a supreme entity.

blank: that's exactly it too! BEARS!

some agnostics may be completely indifferent to whether God exists or not, it'd hardly be of any significance to their lifestyles anyway. that doesn't make them chicken, it just makes them lackadaisical. same with weak atheism.

also, Satanists use the name as a conscious objection to what they perceive as the dogmatic traditions of organized religions. what better image to embody the idea of objecting to church dogma than to purposely adopt the name that would provoke the church the most? hence, Satanism.

Satanism isn't a religion, it is an applied philosophy. hence, there are no fundamental religious beliefs necessary to be a Satanist. therefore, Satanists are free to believe in god if they so choose - the two are not mutually exclusive.

thank you come again.
I don't see the chirstian sentiments in narnia.....Adam and Eve? Alot of other novels and writers use that as a clever way of writing but to deem the trilogy with a christian sentiment?

Can someone explain where it shows that the book or movie is in any way christ related?
The most obvious is Aslan's death and resurrection to save the children from evil. It's full of fairly obvious Biblical allegories.
1) That further proves Agnostics are coops..if not chickens. The Gnostics say so. Or maybe just a band. AGnostiC. AH-HAH!

2) And hence, Theistic Satanists.

3) Satanism is a belief system afterall, a "Satanist" who believes in God is not in accordance to the system. In short, that person would be sexsane just like the dudes wearing leather and reversed pentagrams on their dicks hanging around Peni(s)n or that's what they call it.

The sexperts at claim they know it all, fsckin ricers. The place for ultimate truth is that's where I'm a Professor. Come for tea will ya. Anyhow, here are my D.Phil theses:

"Agnostics believe that it is impossible to determine whether there is or is not a God, therefore assuring they'll still make it to heaven when they die because they didn't doubt god, yet still "win" religion debates on forums by angsty teens who listen to ska." - A Doctor

"..And the Truth Shall Set You Free" - Daud Aikh

Webism is the in-thing. That's why James is so laid back. Explains a lot.

Hey, I ish write boobs :oops:
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Yea i read about it in yesterday's Newpaper about the movie being "anti-God" & promoting atheism to children.But then again they're children,they dont get it.This is yet another "Da Vinci Code" saga.
LOL... i was being a bit exaggerating...

but c'mon... it's not like all movies with character resurrections are considered christian movies... like saying sad songs are the new emo..
I caught the movie today it was awesome. Of course, if you are a docile sheep who believes in faith, blind faith may I add, you might think otherwise. But then again, it's worth watching just for the action scenes.
I caught the movie today it was awesome. Of course, if you are a docile sheep who believes in faith, blind faith may I add, you might think otherwise. But then again, it's worth watching just for the action scenes.

all praise BANANAMAN!!
I was just wondering if dragonball z has religious connections. Goku did die and was resurrected.

So was Krillin.

So was Piccolo.

So was Vegeta.

In fact, there were a lot of deaths and resurrection in the series. Only person who seemed invincible was Mr Satan. And wat a name he has. Even his daughter's name, Videl is an ananogram of the word Devil. So does it have satanic connections as well?

I shall go and re watch all the episodes.....


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