Children & Atheism in new Christmas movie

HAHAHA. This is precisely the kind of people that Lyra Silvertongue whacks up in the books. And three jolly good books they were.

I don't see anyone baying for blood over socery and the portrayal of deties in LOTR, so why this?

And if your faith were strong enough, no movie's going to sway it.
boycott? my ass. if u wanna respect beliefs, please remember Atheism is just as qualified.

First of all, I am a Christian myself. If u want to be truly technical, Atheism is not an official religion, or a religion for that matter. It is more of an ABSENCE of a religion, or a belief. So no, Atheism is not qualified at all for this "respect" that u speak of. Any respect asked for would be for the people involved, not the belief itself or in this case the absence of a belief, I feel.

As for us here at soft, i dont think we re little kids who are so naive as to believe everything this movie claims, promotes or attacks. Like for me i watch gory shows like Saw and all which arguably promotes kidnapping, torture and such. That does not mean Im gonna go out and whoop someone for any random reason. Same with Lord of the Rings and Harry Potter which has some people going around claiming they are Anti-Christ/ Anti-Religion. I personally dont think they are true as well.

So for this Golden Compass show, i would definitely watch it since this thread has made me very interested to read deep into the story. Calling for a boycott is not needed though. Just watch, enjoy ur 10 bucks spent and decide for urself if it's a good show and discuss its underlying meanings (if they are underlying at all) among ur friends who u know would tolerate it. Its apparent that not EVERYone on soft will tolerate such a sensitive topic.
First of all, I am a Christian myself. If u want to be truly technical, Atheism is not an official religion, or a religion for that matter. It is more of an ABSENCE of a religion, or a belief. So no, Atheism is not qualified at all for this "respect" that u speak of. Any respect asked for would be for the people involved, not the belief itself or in this case the absence of a belief, I feel.

Are you saying only religious beliefs deserve respect?

Is atheism "a belief in no god" or "no belief in a god"?

Atheist have many beliefs, the difference being that the arrive at them via some means other than religious dogma.
To Widdly: I already said in my first post, i dont feel that the religion/non-religion is to be respected. its the PEOPLE involved with either which are to be respected. I also did say that is what I felt, so if anyone feels that its not the people but some other entity that should be respected then thats what u feel, we'll leave it at that. The definition I have discovered about Atheism defines it to be an absence of a belief. So my answer to ur other question would be, Atheism is no belief in a god.

By the way i personally know of quite a few friends who proclaim to be Atheist but have done no research whatsoever about this term at all. Most just say they dont believe in a greater being or a god, and therefore are Atheist. I dont know if that's what makes a person an Atheist but this obviously shows that the term Atheist is extremely grey.
mwahahaha, fully justifed an old saying in the market, good publicity or bad publicity, are all publicity

the more noise made, the bigger the anticipation, the more curiousity, there might
be more sale, even thou if it sucks. But by then, lotsa people already contribute to the box office liao

Perhaps next time if really feel strongly wanna boycott, then must keep quiet, or find the right forum to spread the love

if not, one wud be spreadin more love in attracting attention to the thing they wanted to avoid in the first place. The torch bearer became the arsonist instead
its JUST a movie, so what if it promotes atheism, i am Christian myself, i dont see what a great deal the movie will make if it promotes these ideas, besides, for all you know, its a marketing tool

I read all three of his books, Northern Lights, The Subtle Knife and The Amber Spyglass..

I didnt even know of Lyra and Will(2 main characters in the book) were actually being potrayed as Adam and Eve killing "God"! or Pullman being an Athiest and such.

Until all this hype about it came up..

Im gonna reread:mrgreen:
one has to acknowledge God exists to believe God doesn't exist.

Okay, that statement is really contradicting...

But to put it this way... Who actually gives a damn about what the movie is portraying? The thing is many people now just step into a cinema and just watch the movie for the sake of watching it or the sake of justifying some good ratings.
But to put it this way... Who actually gives a damn about what the movie is portraying?

because young impressionable kids might just go out and imitate what they saw in the movie.

im guilty of such behaivour too..after watching how much do you love me i was so influenced by the movie that i went out and made hot passionate love to monica belluci. after that i went out and watched irreversible and decided to ram her up the arse in an underpass.

shame on me. this must be stopped.
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"impressionable young kids" should be taught to learn to think and choose for themselves.

and +10 to everything Dharma's said.

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