Children & Atheism in new Christmas movie

By the way i personally know of quite a few friends who proclaim to be Atheist but have done no research whatsoever about this term at all. Most just say they dont believe in a greater being or a god, and therefore are Atheist. I dont know if that's what makes a person an Atheist but this obviously shows that the term Atheist is extremely grey.

Athiesm is very simply is the position that either affirms the nonexistence of gods or rejects theism. (the belief of deities.) so your friends are correct. they are not being grey.
it is only grey when a person says that he doesnt believe in a christian god, but believes in a higher power and claims to be athiest. thats just not being correct.
Atheism is just the word to describe a person who does not believe in any higher being.
it does not imply that atheists have other beliefs to substitute the lack of a god. though many do have personal philosophies to make life work.
tim098, the respect that atheists ask for is that YOU respect their belief that they do not believe in a higher being and to be left alone.
in that sense, athiesm is a way of life to be respected. Same as well as any other religion is a way of life to be respected.

one has to acknowledge God exists to believe God doesn't exist.

incorrect. you are just arguing semantics here.
One only has to acknowledge the existence of the THEORY that god exists in order for them to reject it.
There is no acknowledgement of God's existence to assert their belief of non-existence. they are just rejecting the theory.
Ok people chill the **** out. It's just a movie. Plus I've read AND re-read the entire His Dark Materials trilogy, I can safely tell you that you wont even begin to identify any atheist sentiment from it unless you start thinking at a dissectory thesis level (which involves a whole hell of a lot of caffeine-induced bullsh*tting). I really doubt little kids are going to be able to do that.


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There is only one place to go,inwards.
It is all within you mate, go to your inwards.
You are just a bubble in the ocean, hahaha!
I'm a staunch Atheist and i hate all religions equally but you don't see me going around posting stuff bashing people's religious beliefs on public forums do you? Everyone is entitled to their own opinions and beliefs so what makes you think Christianity is "right"? I find your post offensive.
I'm a staunch Atheist and i hate all religions equally but you don't see me going around posting stuff bashing people's religious beliefs on public forums do you? Everyone is entitled to their own opinions and beliefs so what makes you think Christianity is "right"? I find your post offensive.

ehm... err...

I'm a staunch Atheist and i hate all religions equally but you don't see me going around posting stuff bashing people's religious beliefs on public forums do you?

you just did...

anyway, the film did have an adverse reaction back in the states
Yes, I did. In response to this thread. How would the TS like it if everyone, including people like me who he would probably find extremely objectionable, started to post shit like this in forums that have nothing to do with religion?

Save the religion BS for a forum that gives a rat's ass. Keep Soft about the music yar?

Disclaimer: Nothing personal hor. I have strong personal beliefs just like many of you, just that we disagree on the content. :)
well Denosha you have a point there..
i'm not bashing ppl's religion or religious beliefs or implyin that i hate atheist
ah after much thinking, i think this movie is still bullcrap but thats me.. lets just close this thread.
apologies to the people i may have pissed off. this where I buy Kopi? One Kopi O Kau Kau pls......
Ouh...One mee goreng oso. No veggies. no onions but extra spicy. Pls add one hotdog pls...

we've successfully identified the few close-minded individuals from this thread, now that the reaction of most softies have taken an adverse effect on the original post rather than intended.

I like what i'm seeing, especially dharma's replies. Score!
If someone doesnt give a f**k if god exists or not and only believes in themselves more than anything are Satanists
So christians who watched the show "the message" eventually become converted to Islam? or Muslims who watched the epic series "maha-barata" become Hindus after that? is this what you meant?

Don't be naive.Even if more people become atheist or those kids grows up to believe they themselves are "god' but cant stand a heartache or stomachache in life,after watching the show. So what? You mean Jehovah cant handle them? or Christ can't save them? Let them wake up on their own, you do your own prayers,mate~
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