Naglfar's latest offering Harvest sounds really good. Something I will definitely be getting soon.
Heard alot of comments about Beneath The Massacre's new full length that's coming out soon.
For non-metal wise, you guys sould really check out this band called Pineapple Thief. Check out their myspace at Listen to the song Clapham, and by personal recomendation; Their album Variations Of A Dream is a masterpiece. I own it and I'm not trading it even for the entire Radiohead or Muse disography. Beautiful beautiful music.
both records are damn good. probably hair metal at its best in my opinion. Sometimes the tracks can get monotonous and repetitive but the general gist of both records come through and rock like hell.
I'll have to say this is the first metal release in a while that's actually made me sit up and take notice. Tight thrash-ey tunes over some really solid middle-eastern flavoured vibes. And all this coming out of an outfit from Mesopotamia (I'd wager some of us don't even know where that is, here's a clue, it doesn't exist anymore but the regions within it still do, and they are the playgrounds of a certain bunch of fair-skinned individuals... ).