CD talk 2007

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hello everyone 8) thought we start a new CD thread, the last one's too cluttered to be useful. list what you bought this year & share if it's worth your $$$.

my purchase this week:

Sadus- Chemical Exposure (re-issue) the album that introduced me to one of the most prolific bassist on planet metal...

Level 42- Retroglide

Al DiMeola- Consequence of Chaos
AEnima (1996)

Undertow (1993)

the band that totally changed the way i view music as a whole. oh yar...i got these last week. long and hard search! my third eye has finally been pryed open.
That Sadus album will make anyone bang thier heads against anything a million times!!...Not really...but still a damn fantastic techno thrash

You got Athiest's Re-issues too? Some of many great metal albums that shouldn't have been OOP.

Recently got myself these two classic albums:


Thin Lizzy "Live And Dangerous" 1978


Bruce Springsteen "Born To Run" 1975

The Thin Lizzy album has turned me into a Brian Robertson and Scott Gorham fan... the guitar playing on that album is just stellar!!!

However, the Bruce Springsteen album... is abit disappointing... it sounds like an entire album of 80's TV series theme songs! But perhaps that was his style back then...?
Sadus = techno thrash? can't relate to that...

no Atheist re-issues, i got the original when it was first released, cost me some recess money but worth the trouble... 8)
mm sorry...thought you know. Technical was used to be termed techno way back before this current form of techno music was around. Actually no one really use the term my bad.
i've never heard techno = being technical... back when shred was at its peak, nobody referred to those as 'techno'...
3 more for me:

Hate Eternal: The Perilous Fight (ok it's not a cd, DVD rather...)

Nachtmystium: Instinct- Decay

Secrets of the Moon- Antithesis
+44 - When Your Heart Stops Beating
The Observatory - Blank Walls

been meaning to check out both of these for some time, and only recently got round to disappointment at all.
HE's The Perilous Fight features the current line-up performing live, former members were featured in music videos & extras (including the late Mr. Andersen). the camera perspectives could have been better as most captures feature a crowd view of the band. i enjoy watching Erik Rutan play & sing, not to mention his technicalities on guitar.
the Megadeth album art is quite cool.Looks like flashack of America being struck by the 911 attacks,and that 'hero' with wings is a defender of some sorts? The songs are gona be based heavily on politics i suppose.
There's one demo "Gears of War" on their website. It's not bad, Mustaine has stopped making killers riff anyway.
A bunch of my recent acquisitions:

Bumblefoot - 9.11 (awesome mind-boggling guitar as you'd expect from a BF release)
Bumblefoot - Uncool (sub Frank Zappa lounge pop/covers album - avoid)
Suffocation - Suffocation (not listened enough to form a strong opinion, but not a classic NYC death album)
AC/DC - For Those About To Rock, We Salute You (reissue of this classic album - title track being near perfect hard rock number)
Deicide - The Stench Of Redemption (shame it's not very consistent throughout as the new guitar team of Raplh Santolla and Jack Owen [ex Cannibal Corpse] deliver some stunning lead work way beyond the accomplishments of the Hofmann brothers prior to them, but not continued extensively enough for many tracks)

Sadus - Swallowed In Black re-issue
Waited for an eternity to own this on CD. So i was pretty ecstatic to learn that some label, somewhere is re-releasing this uber-classic death/thrash gem of an album (along with a whole slew of other thrash classics) re-mastered with bonus tracks.


Flotsam & Jetsam - Doomsday For The Deceiver
20th Annivesary edition which includes 2 cds plus 1 dvd of old interviews and performances of this Jason Newsted's orginal band's first album.
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