Can you take off all strings at once during restringing

normal guitars are ok.

guitars with tremelo should follow 1 string at a time procedure.

going to need a trip to the repair shop if u don't know how to adjust the spring.
i have a hard time tuning my strings anybody can help ?

im using a pgm 3.
they wont get even, when i tighten the first few strings, the last few would drop in tuning, and vice versa.

sometimes my bridge is out like almost 40 degrees up
dude..there's a technique...i tune some strings sharp ..den tune the rest..more or less compensates.but fine tuning..tts when i die.
jemarcus: guitars with tremelo should follow 1 string at a time procedure.

if you know how to go about doing it, even guitars with floating bridge can be restrung with all strings removed.
i do that by putting a piece of foldered paper or sumthing hard but soft :wink: below the bridge... works like a shim

take out all, put back all and wind like siao till its close to EADGBE... then i stretch the strings by pulling them a lil violently and continue to tune the 6th string to a G... remove the piece of whatever u stuck under the bridge and tune the rest

thats my fastest way of getting a stable EADGBE for me on a floating bridge after re stringing.. the string stretching is v important
1 string at a time is recommended on floating bridges. Can also on fixed bridges.

Removing strings all at once:
Floating bridge - Can clean hard properly
Fixed - Same

Floating Bridge - Lose Tuning tension on the bridge. The floating bridge is the hardest part to tackle when re-strung all at once.
Fixed - Might warp the neck a bit.

I suggest to re-string guitars one at a time to be safe. You can clean the guitar w/ a thin guitar cloth while you're removing the strings one at a time. It's like doing it slowly but surely. But won't jeopardize Bridge & Neck Tension. This will save you time in tuning the guitar.

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