Restringing AND cleaning a Floyd Rose Guitar

Well, a pack of DR Strings actually.. I don't knwo if I should continue the offer. ;) Frankly, its a lot of my time to sit down and teach restringing. Anyway, yes I can.

In anycase, good FRs would be the OFR or Gotoh for your friend. Please do measurements beore buying anything.
I see i didn't know it'll be so time consuming.. actually there's no one i can find that knows and teaches FR restringing so i approach you you see.. thanks for the recommendation for FR.. i wonder where could i get it a gotoh.. yesterday i drop by davis and saw the $100 floyd rose oh god i can see that it's not really good..
Just pm me your hp number or something. Lets work out a time to meet. :)

In anycase, yeah, try the Gotoh. Its excellent excellent stuff @ like only USD130 without shipping.

The $100 flody rose. :) Stunner.
It is not that hard to change strings on a floyd rose . I just change the first 3 strings for the first time yesterday , took me about 20 mins including tuning it . I have a china made strat with an unlicence floyd.

Aye Purplehaze. Its not hard...

Problems arise when ppl take off all the strings. Why would you wanna take off the strings? Well, then you can clean the floyd properly and do servicing if need be.

Or when you can't get your floating point....

I still remember my first restringing. Had the computer on with a lot of IE windows to Ibanezrules and Jemsite on how to restring. Took me a whole 5 hours to get the whole thing restrung and at perfect float! :D But I am so glad I did it...
yeah ... u tell them SC ... :lol:

changed my a couple of time and yet still need few hours ... it's really the experience that counts ... if u got it right the 1st time ... try it again some other time ... u might not get the FR in it floating point ... and man .. that's really :smt091 @(#*$&%^

SC ... anywhere in sg can we get that intonation tools ? or the stopper for the spring ? or a jammer ? does we all make our own jammer for individual guitar ??

ooh and why this thread not sticky ah ?? good info here know ...
Hey man, you got read this thread or not?!?! :lol:

The trem stopper thing, just make it from some coins lah! :) Use it to jam the trem in place.

Intonation tools? Kind of pointless. Thing is, even with the intonation tool, you must still detune the string to allow your allen key to reach the intonation screw. But if you really want one, Allparts has stock, Ibanez Rules has stock. Note that the intonation tool comes in 2 forms, OFR style or Lo Profile style. Ibanez Edge Pro, EP II and Edge III do not have intonation tools.
hahaha ... SC ... ooh, think i got it wrong again huh ? thot jammer surppose to b piece of wood or 'coin' to stop the bridge from moving ? and once the string have been fixed, the jammer surppose to b able to slide out w/o much FORCE ? meaning it's smooth and fitting ?

just wanna make it clearer so that ... maybe the rest cud understand a little bit more ? :lol:

yeah, about the intonation and back stopper ... just wanna have a GOOD look at it .. not buy it ... kekeke ...
Well, the jammer is not a permanant thing. Just to keep tuning while you tune up. When done, you prob still have to move the trem (via the arm) to get it out.
Ah. You check intonation via the normal way but to adjust, you have to loosen strings, loosen intonation screw, move saddle, tighten intonation screw, retune, recheck. Repeat if necessary. Long and tedious. more indepth.

hi. my guitars jus a few months old, and its my first with a locking system of any kind.. in my effort to learn, i kinda turned a bit of everytihng to see what it did rather than read up on how things work.. habit i guess. bottom line.. i need help or a tutorial or somthing on how to set intonation on a floyd rose system..