SpaTanS said:
woohoo ... thanks thor for that washburn info ... i really din know what's what for mine ... thanks alot ... and about the 'pot' thou it has pics in it, but still very technical for me ... dont understand.
does it means when u vol up to about 4 or 5 ... the effect suddenly louder ? if so, mine is like have to turn up to about 7 or 8 then the effects comes in ... yes ?
ok.. basically a linear pot sounds this way: when at volume 2, it's about 60-70% volume already, at 4, it goes to near 90%, then slowly reaching ~100% at 10.
on the other hand, a audio (logarithmic) pot follows the way we perceive volume through our ears - 1 is about 10%, 5 about 50%, and 10 about 100%.
note that this really isn't a necessary mod if you like how a linear pot works.
on the other hand, if you really want to do the mod, i'll save you the details. You need:
Materials: soldering equipment, 2x 82k/41k (or close to the range) resistors, preferably (but not a must) < 5% accuracy. This you can go down Sim Lim tower and look around for them. shouldn't cost more than a dollar each.
open the back of your wiring cover; you'll see 2 pots. Try to read what's written on it. If it reads 500k, you'll be using 82k resistors; if 250k, use the 41k resistors.
Take out the pots if you have to (usually I have to since the wiring cavity is so small). with the back of the pot facing you, solder the resistor (direction of the resistor doesn't matter here..) in the following manner:
|------X <--- pin here
| |
|500 |-X <--- pin here
| |
it will look similar to this picture, without the capacitor, of course:
do for both pots, and you're done.
i don't have a digital camera with me now. maybe show u when my sis gets back with her digicam.