Restringing AND cleaning a Floyd Rose Guitar

schred said:
Hmm..this all contradicts to what i heard frm a guy telling me to get a speedloader when i told him i wanted to change my trem. I was wondering y he didnt mention the ibanez licensed patents :?

Okay, don't get me wrong, the speedloader is a good bridge. But the fact that you have to order the Speedloader strings online (in Singapore) just makes it so.. ridiculous.

The other thing is, other companies may have the floyd rose license but not all of them have the exact same dimensions. The Ibanez Edge and Lo Pro Edge use a larger cavity route than the OFR. The Ibanez Edge Pro, Edge Pro II and ZR Trem are NOT licensed floyds so they will NOT fit into an OFR or Licensed FR cavity.

EDIT: Well, okay, the Edge Pro, Edge Pro II can fit but your intonation will never in tune since the construction of these bridges are different from the OFR.
Oh..Tht means now ibanez has itz own set of good trems tht do not need floyd license? Wah nvr imagined the speedloader so leceh until have restrictions to what strings to use.
schred said:
Oh..Tht means now ibanez has itz own set of good trems tht do not need floyd license? Wah nvr imagined the speedloader so leceh until have restrictions to what strings to use.

Ibanez made them. Not using any Floyd Rose Patents then.

Schred... I don't mean to be mean but please, do your research. There's plenty of stuff on the net that can help point you to the truth and stuff... is one.
woohoo ... thanks thor for that washburn info ... i really din know what's what for mine ... thanks alot ... and about the 'pot' thou it has pics in it, but still very technical for me ... dont understand.

does it means when u vol up to about 4 or 5 ... the effect suddenly louder ? if so, mine is like have to turn up to about 7 or 8 then the effects comes in ... yes ?

SC, thanks for the clarification on my FR ... now i know it's just a patent of FR (yes, it's stated on the bridge) :lol:

my inotation is out ? how u tell ? i thot get the tone from open to 12fret will do ??? paisey i really know nuts about FR ... this is my 1st and seriously speaking, i dont really dare to wham on it ... :lol:
SpaTanS said:
SC, thanks for the clarification on my FR ... now i know it's just a patent of FR (yes, it's stated on the bridge) :lol:

my inotation is out ? how u tell ? i thot get the tone from open to 12fret will do ??? paisey i really know nuts about FR ... this is my 1st and seriously speaking, i dont really dare to wham on it ... :lol:

No prob man. :)

Yup, your intonation is very very out. All your saddles are aligned in a straight line and that should not be the case.

Refer to

Read it carefully and look at the picture that has a properly intonated FR bridge. Your intonation should look similar to that.

Hmmm.... hey, why not you drop by my place and I show you around on the FR? I don't know a hell lot abt it but I can help you with your intonation and show you how to tune it up after a change of strings in like what, 20 mins.

I should do a workshop man. hahaha...
SpaTanS said:
woohoo ... thanks thor for that washburn info ... i really din know what's what for mine ... thanks alot ... and about the 'pot' thou it has pics in it, but still very technical for me ... dont understand.

does it means when u vol up to about 4 or 5 ... the effect suddenly louder ? if so, mine is like have to turn up to about 7 or 8 then the effects comes in ... yes ?

ok.. basically a linear pot sounds this way: when at volume 2, it's about 60-70% volume already, at 4, it goes to near 90%, then slowly reaching ~100% at 10.

on the other hand, a audio (logarithmic) pot follows the way we perceive volume through our ears - 1 is about 10%, 5 about 50%, and 10 about 100%.

note that this really isn't a necessary mod if you like how a linear pot works.

on the other hand, if you really want to do the mod, i'll save you the details. You need:

Materials: soldering equipment, 2x 82k/41k (or close to the range) resistors, preferably (but not a must) < 5% accuracy. This you can go down Sim Lim tower and look around for them. shouldn't cost more than a dollar each.

open the back of your wiring cover; you'll see 2 pots. Try to read what's written on it. If it reads 500k, you'll be using 82k resistors; if 250k, use the 41k resistors.

Take out the pots if you have to (usually I have to since the wiring cavity is so small). with the back of the pot facing you, solder the resistor (direction of the resistor doesn't matter here..) in the following manner:

|------X <--- pin here
|    |
|500 |-X <--- pin here
|    |

it will look similar to this picture, without the capacitor, of course:


do for both pots, and you're done. :D

i don't have a digital camera with me now. maybe show u when my sis gets back with her digicam. :)
oh i see thor ... so a resistor is those blue thingy in the pic that will b connected to the 2 pins ? sorry, i look in the back of the wiring compartment, the pots has 3 pins, 1 of it is not being used. do i solder to the 2 with wire attached ? and it'll help me 'control' my vol and tone more presicely ?

yes, mine vol pot is 500Kn and tone is 250Kn ... er what's that red thingy in your pic ? my tone has a green 1 ... that's not a resistor rite ? really paisey cos i really know nuts about electronics .. :oops:
Yep the blue thing is a resistor. Yep you solder the pot... i haven't got a specific wiring diagram but basically you solder as per the pictures with the wires still on it.

again, this applies only if you have linear pots instead of audio pots. just try your knobs and see which one it figures into (i've written how linear and audio pots sound like.)

for tone pot wise i'm told that a linear or audio pot doesn't make a difference... but to my ears the audio sounds better. in any case for 500k linear pots, find a 82k resistor, and for 250k linear pots, use a 41k resistor instead.

the red thingy is a capacitor. both resistors and capacitors come in different colors (especially with different manufacturers). the way to differentiate them is by reading their color codes/number codes respectively. if u're going simlim tower u can just bug the sales assistant on the codes... anyway the resistors are marked and grouped in small drawers so u wont get them wrong.
cos the darn thing is near impossible to find :(

even allparts and stewmac doesn't have longshaft audio minipots. kinda insane for Washburn to make custom "best of both worlds" kinda pots in retrospect.
hey ... ummm sorry to ask this stupid question.. my bridge cant float .. i dunno how to make it float again.. T_T that time i went to yamaha to repair it cost me 40 bucks.. if i go again i will have no $$ haha umm for those that can teach me plz do ^^
heya. sorry about this but i dun really understand the placement of the trem jammer. could you maybe post a pic?
ShredCow i was wondering if you could teach my friend how to restring a FR guitar.. A pack of GHS strings as reward right? what gauge is it? He's using a grassroots forest GT and the FR seem to rust already.. do you have any good recommendations on a good FR?

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