can match TS-9 and MT-2??


New member
hey guys, i've just got myself a epi les paul standard. and im planning to get an Ibanez TS-9 and a Boss MT-2. can both of them make my guitar sound any nicer?
Yes, no, maybe. It depends on your cables, your techniques, your amp, your pick (if any). There isn't a right and wrong answer here. Best thing I can say is that TS9 tends to work better for singlecoil users rather than humbucker users & MT2 works better for high headroom (check Guitar Sticky thread if you don't know what that is) amps.

Try, try, try. take your guitar and try with the closest equipment to your own equipment you want to use at the guitar shop. Take your time to test equipment. It's as simple as that.
Ts9 with MT2? Should work fine even in stock form. It's really up to the user to experiment (alot) with the settings of each pedal (especially the tone and amount of dist) against your amp's settings (very important :) Upon reaching a better understanding of the strenghts and weaknesses of each component (every pedal out there has strenghts and weaknesses) start mapping out the various combined pedals' sweetspots to match your intended musical intentions. The rest is really building your chops on the guitar. :)
if you look forward to enhance the drive of your MT-2 with the TS9, well, the former doesn't need a reinforcement drive-wise. however, if you intend to create a unique drive voicing with these pedals in use simultaneously, do expect noise...
the tubescreamer is great for lead guitars and can produce those screaming sound at the same time have overdrive?
shredrat said:
the tubescreamer is great for lead guitars and can produce those screaming sound at the same time have overdrive?
ermm.. not really... don't get fooled by the name of the pedal... its just a smooth mild mid-eq'ed overdrive pedal...

nothing to do with screams..