Blink 182 Official Thread

Which song do you like the most?

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neuro182 said:
err.. wats wrong with selling out? can someone enlighten me on this cuz i dunnoe why people can get so anal about it.. :lol:

hahahaha. i said that as a mockery to those who get upset about bands who sell out.

i dont care if a band sell out. if we dont let them sell out, we're selfish u know.

the band, has ambitions in life. they wanna be rich..successful so they can give their family a good life.

we, the fans, are in no position to dictate their lives.

if u were a musician, wud u wanna be successful and rich? im sure most of us would. but not all bands wanna be rich and sucessful. some indie bands prefer to be underground and just play music.

its all up to the band and the members. its their lives

neuro182 said:
:D nah i wanna go to Japan for a Dec holiday 1st...

hahaha. I wanna go USA and see AVA/+44 live. meet the band!

even though blink never has, and never will come to SG to perform, meet the members in their new bands also can.
kentheman2000 said:
So-cal, A short form for Southern California, where lies miami beach and all... It's where almost all of your super stars live...

not true actually, so-cal refers to the southern california, like san diego. Miami beach is on the other coast, in what is known as Florida?
do they have a Daytona Beach there? cuz I got some vidz of Blink 182 performing live @ TRL Daytona Beach :lol:
Mjollnir said:
kentheman2000 said:
So-cal, A short form for Southern California, where lies miami beach and all... It's where almost all of your super stars live...

not true actually, so-cal refers to the southern california, like san diego. Miami beach is on the other coast, in what is known as Florida?

yeah correct.

blink boys grew up in sandiego.
yupsie.. i feel they are a good band, not the best though, but who cares rite? they freaking rock my socks..
the term best is very subjective and hard to use.

its just an opinion, and we should respect each others's opinion :lol:
Agree with ya'll, Blink182 TOTALLY PWNS Angels & Airwaves and somewhat +44, but tt's only cos' Mark & Travis are in it.

Tom prolly did the wrong thing by breaking up the band & it's a lil selfish cos there's still so many Blink fans out there waiting for them to reunite & play What's My Age Again-

Sad. :(