The French revolution has nothing to do with terrorism. It's a violent joint-struggle to eliminate contradictions in the social classes and henceforth caused a worldwide revolution by overthrowing feudalism.
Terrorism is a bunch of men getting together to randomly targeting innocents and using guerilla tactics to further a religious viewpoint. It will never cause a revolution because religion has no place in secular politics.
That is not true. Terrorism didn't happen because of religion and yes, terrorism is guerilla warfare. And no, terrorism is not a new concept. People just coin it terrorism recently.
The French Revolution first sprouted the modern idea of terrorism. During the period of the Reign of Terror during the Revolution, radical factions used the idea of guerilla warfare and the guillotine as a mean of coercing people because of intense rivalry. Read up if you like. It might not sound like terrorism to you, but look, it happened two centuries ago. Guerilla warfare has definitely evolved.
I don't think my argument is flawed and I don't think I'm in a dreamland. Why don't you guys view from my point of view instead of labeling it as flawed? I know it's never right for a man to take another's life but innocents have been killed throughout the ages of men. It will ALWAYS happen. So maybe we have to take it into our stride that yes, innocents get killed and will get killed. I'm just trying to say, live with it. Terrorists exist and we can't weed them out.
I see today's terrorism more of a religious plot than anything else. Islam extremists and insurgents always get onto the newspaper and actually, I wonder why. I believe Islam extremists actually make up a small percentage of global terrorism. And when I say terrorism got into big lights, I mean the Bush administration lit up the whole idea of terror and actually escalated the dramas/deaths/horror that terrorism had inflicted on us[surge of terrorism ever since 911]. Oh, by the way, the Crusade was also a religious plot. A total outbreak of war doesn't make it even less different than guerilla war. It's still war. Innocents are killed. The Crusaders are notorious for blazing through villages and towns at an alarming rate[Reminds me of the Nazi's Blitzkrieg]. Besides, the Crusaders didn't only target Muslims. Jews, pagan believers, political enemies were also targeted.
Concerning the death of a Singaporean and the plight of Africa, I must tell you that poverty is high throughout Africa. I'm not trying to say I'm looking down on them, but we all know that Africa is a suffering continent with an AIDS epidemic. I'm using the death of a Singaporean to compare because I want to tell you guys there are many things more in this world than terrorism. Poverty, epidemics, internal wars are killing more people in Africa than terrorism. When people blow up terrorism and take into account that 145 people were killed in the Mumbai battle, do they actually remember that not long ago in Rwanda, hundred of thousands of people were killed[Slaughtered is a better word, actually] and the world actually stood by?
That is the reason why I believe terrorism is blown up by the media and governments.
I won't feel sad or even intend to take revenge if any one close to me ever got killed by terrorism. I will just curse my luck. These things are unpredictable and to grief, you're just doing what terrorists want you to do. If I'm gonna spend my whole life chasing these terrorists and blaming them for my misfortune, I'll just be chasing shadows and getting stuck.
It's much more mature and rational to go on with life and discover the possibilities of life we can never imagine. We never know today's terrorism can ever create a revolution. We live too short to tell if they really actually can, and who knows? The world hundred years later might be totally different.
One more note to add. I find the death of the five Jews totally absurd. They were, really, totally innocent and they aren't even involved with Kashmir! I understand if they target the Hindus, but the Jews?