The fact of the matter is this;
SOFT has been the main staple for local scenesters for years. Kudos to James for sustaining it this long.
But there comes a point where, unchallenged in its position, you just settle in and start thinking you can do whatever the hell you like to whoever the hell you want. AND getting away with it so many times, just because you happen to have the highest virtual authority here?
But what about the people who populate the forum itself with interesting threads, with useful, funny, entertaining content? Is it okay to diss them in this way 'just because you can'? It's
posters like us who help to keep it going
JUST AS MUCH as it is James who takes the time to moderate it.
Why am I not waiting for James' response to this thread?
Because this is
NOT THE FIRST TIME he has done such a drastic and unreasonable action. Not just to me, but multiple loyal posters.
Because he has a track record of taking drastic and erratic actions based on very little reasoning AND shriveling up in his virtual corner afterwards without explanation - for multiple times.
Because I have already tried reaching out to him multiple times, now, and previously, in defense of other posters.
Because he is not likely to respond to this thread, as is his usual fashion
And because, frankly, if he does respond, I'm afraid of the weird and Primary school standard (i.e. meaningless) metaphor he will probably use to explain himself.
You can argue that yes, he's the authority figure and yes, he doesn't need to bother explaining himself. But even in a forum populated by so many friendlies and people who keep SOFT going, it's the decent and respectful thing to do to anyone. It's virtual etiquette, that's what it is.
And I think I have bloody well contributed enough to SOFT over the 8 bloody years to at least be treated a little better than being banned for an INNUENDO and have a scampering coward who is probably quietly steaming up his glasses from anger and cringing at the sight of the words 'working with wood...sounds kinky!"