This is Sherwin here, posting back on my account now that I'm home. After reading through a whole day's worth of replies, I think this perfectly illustrates a point I was trying to make earlier, a couple of people here should be kicked for not thinking before they hit "Submit Reply"
p.s. I am going to keep this as direct as possible, lest I offend somebody by coercing them into a train of interpretive thought.
1. This is not a discussion of whether James is doing his job, it's a question of under what standards?
2. It's already been almost 12 hours since I found out about the banning from levan, and I still have yet to see a response from James around here. Everyone who's been harping on about the "it takes two hands to clap" bit, of course it does! Going by that assumption, don't you think that James should have taken up the matter personally with him before banning him without warning? Don't you think he ought to offer an explanation now that the issue's been made public?
3. If innuendos hurt your brain and you think they should be left out of public forums, you probably wouldn't understand them to begin with anyway, so what's the issue?
Sure, without someone to watch over everything this place would probably descend into total anarchy, but at the same time turning it into a cyber nanny state does more harm than good. Sweeping everything under the carpet encourages morons who know that they can get away with being vacuous, because they know that any backlash will be wiped out along with the idiocy.
The point I'm trying to make? Take this example:
(Great now I will probably get nuked for off-site linking)
This was a great little community of gamers, skinners and map-modders in it's heyday. People there are forced to think before they post, or face the wrath of the forum's denizens. Nothing adverse ensued, in fact, quite the contrary. The quality of discussion and individual input remained consistently high (even though the proportion of toilet humour shared a positive relationship; if you think lerp's innuendos are horrifying, you should check out these guys). As a result, till this day it has survived, even through the supposed abandonment of the TOB project and it's eventual ressurection.
Now while I'm not suggesting that S.O.F.T. follow this model to the tee and that everyone look up posts by Turkey_Slayer to emulate his style, we could definitely pick up a thing or two from here.
I believe it's about time people started having to answer for their actions, and this applies across the board to the entire S.O.F.T. community at large.