Art Students in JC

Oh yeah, today the teachers were talking about the internet and how they do random checks on blogs and forums and everything.

They sound like a Communist government.
atheist: that was exactly the kind of combination i wanna take! but too bad it wasnt offered during my time.

i guess there is not much distinction between the arts and the science stream since it is now compulsory to take other subjects from the other discipline.
Imo science is the study of facts, where as arts is more of having you own oppinion on things and justifying it. so econ is somewhere in the middle. which makes your choice of subjects more science-oriented.
i admit that the system now in JC sucks. Got to take like so many subjects. I was the lucky last batch of the old system, i took only 4 subjects including GP. Life was pretty easy, and of course some last minute mugging for alevels earned me a spot in NUS
I don't have a choice, man.

I don't even feel like taking Econs and Maths because I'm really that kind of "pure-arts" guy. I prefer intellectuality than facts.
hello fellow softies. Reading this thread inspired me to wanna share some of my opinions. just 0.00002 cents worth.

firstly, to threadstarter. I totally see where you are coming from. Im an arts student in yjc. Results are coming out on fri. To give you a more practical solution. You can try yjc. Cos as much as its reputation isnt amazing, cos of a persistent stigma about the college, it offers VERY flexible sub combi. I have classmates who take pure arts. and the contrasting sub is like a h1 in maybe sci,music or math, and its NOT a must to take math. if you are good enough. KI would be another option.

And i was like you, wanted to take both hist and geog. My school didnt allow it. And im so glad they didnt. Geog and hist. Killer content-based subjects. Taking hist, is suicide unless you have a vast interest in what you are studying. Same for geog, but imo, geog is lower in vol in terms of content. And it would help quite a great deal if ya did pure geog in sec sch. To say the least, its wiser to choose one which you are more interested or have an inclination towarsds.

I was from the 88' batch. I did 10 months in NP's biz studies, and switched over to yjc. To many, it was suicide. It probably was a huge gamble, cos i wanna persue a uni education, and i was literally rotting my life away in poly. Couldnt find any motivation or whatsoever to do well. Yes, 2 years in jc is tough shit. It isnt bloody child's play. But i honestly feel, it gives you a much better chance to make it to uni. furthermore, its friggin competitive in poly. removing some of the sternest competition that normally end up in jc's. But who am i to say? This friday will reveal how one of my biggest gambles in life will turn out. haha.

anw all the best to you empihsrow. Do what you wont regret in the future. =)
Good luck to you too.

And i think the stigmas about the lower-end JCs are all crap too.

I think it's because I have always been in eh, prestigious schools, people tend to have a view that I'm really good. And if I'm suddenly to announce that I wanna enroll into PJC, my parents and my relatives will all think that I'm about to die.

And I felt PJC is really much better off as compared to AJ. Regretted trying to get into a better school.

All the stigmas about lower-end JCs.

It's still a JC afterall. It's still afterall the most direct route to university. The syllabus taught are still the same. Teachers from RJ are also deployed to PJ. People who go to JCs are still the cream of the crop[At least that's what the statistics have proven].

I think all the stigmas are bull-shit. But of course, that's not the point for this thread.
the stigmas are not entirely baseless, there is some truth to it. The top jcs and the not so top jcs differ alot in their general student's culture, it may have a huge impact for many people.

Its a competitive world out there, do not settle for any less than you should.
a good institution affects more than just your education.

the process of getting the cert is more important than the cert itself. It is that process that empowers people be successful.
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life is so hard, you would think getting the cert was the easy part... and some people can't even do that

alot of skills in life allow people to do well in academics as well... and some skills don't. but as long as you are in school, it is the only thing you have to show for yourself

and THEY SAY arts has the better babes *runs for cover*
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From what I can see in my school, I don't believe Arts have better babes. What a pity.

Personally I have never believed in good schools or bad schools. Every school in my eyes is the same.
hi im in aj arts now =) ....hmm well i was in a rude shock when i read that your batch wasn't allowed to take h2 geog and history?? well i mean there is ppl with this subj combi for my batch. in fact it is only a handful of them whos currently in the same history class as i am. and as for me, my subj combi is unique to only 3 students in the entire i dun see any reason why the only two or three of you can not be offered with such "rare" combis....hmm hw abt h2 hist and lit?

well as for the econs part, i wld have to tell you that having to draw graphs does not necessarily associate itself with much of mathematical or scientific context. in fact the illustration of graphs revolves pretty much around those text-book characteristics, yup so dun worry about having to draw difficult graphs. but the fact that many of us (yes my batch, sobx) are unable to do well for econs is because that there is still lack of analy and eval. therefore if you are pretty strong in arts, im sure that you'll have an advantage of doing better in terms of analysing and giving well-balanced answers =)

anyway just curious, what's ur subj combi nw? im not sure if u have posted this somewhere..
If any of you have spare time & cash, I would really recommend you guys to read this book:

Doing School: How we are creating a generation of stressed-out, materialistic and miseducated students

by Denise Clark Pope.
How much is that book?

And my subject combination is H2 Lit, H2 Econs, H2 Hist, H1 Maths. I didn't want that in the first place. I was forced to take it.
Hello! I think we're classmates considering your combination of H2 Eng lit, H2 History and H2 Economics with H1 Math. 3808 right? And I'm in ajc also. hahaha. okay, quite freaky.

I actually felt kind of pissed off initially during pae at ajc where I saw first hand people who WERE using the arts stream as a backdoor route to the science stream. Plus, ajc is a science core jc and I'm not sure whether you attended the Science Research blah blah talk during temporary lecture week but if you did, you would have felt it! I felt really small during the talk and a little angry as well. Too bad ajc is the nearest jc to my house.

Actually, I know of someone who is taking H2 geog and H1 history in ajc! I was quite surprised that the school allowed it. Not sure of the other way around though being, H2 history and H1 geog.

I agree that the rule stating you cannot take history & geog together is lame. Also, i was told that H2 econs is compulsory for ALL arts students here. Econs is very business like, I might actually like to study it if everything was in layman's terms instead. Instead of all the keywords inside.

If you really don't like ajc, you can consider appealing to another jc after midyears. Not sure whether you can change combination though.

Meanwhile, try to get to know better the people here. For me, its the people that make me want to come to school everyday. Practically nothing else. The building looks like its going to collapse soon, (in fact a part of the roof did in Jan/Feb and I witnessed it! It was raining and suddenly BOOM!)

Not to worry, we're all in this bullshit together.
I'm very sure every single person was briefed on (1) what goes on in JC studies (2) what goes on in Polytechnic studies. If you weren't, I blame: the people who told you to go to JC / your secondary school / your JC, and maybe yourself for not finding out earlier. I'm just taken aback at how someone can enter JC and realise that the subject combinations are the same as secondary school style of grouping etc.~

Anyway, the first post of this page (previous-previous-post) quotes the best advice given so far.
My opinion is that "ARTS" was just a name to give "THE OTHER STREAM" because, obviously, "SCIENCE" has a higher requirement to get into, so you can see "ARTS" as a "loser" stream in most cases.
I've heard of "nerds" saying "if i dont get in science, there's no way in hell i'm going arts", which, IMO, makes no friggin difference because all you need is an A level cert with good scores to get into a University (why not do the "easier" one so you get higher scores?)

Politician? Do share why you want to be a politician! I am very curious as to why people wanna get involved in a "leadership" role that ends up, most of the time, making other people hate you. I for one have a 50-50 like-dislike for politicians, depending on their post and their cause, but I've never liked the idea of being one since it involves alot of "bullshitting". So yeah, DO SHARE :D If you're shy you can always pm me your answer that'd be great.

You be a politician for two reason.

1. You like the power trip and the rush knowing that you're in control of the country (until you get voted out).

2. You sincerely care about democracy in your country, and you feel compelled to speak out and to fight for your individual rights, civil society and for looser political reins so that others can carry on fighting for their cause, speaking out against policies deemed unfair.

Why would you consider politicians to be "bullshitting"? As much as I agree with the fact that they bullshit alot (ie. the Mas Selamat incident), I'll have to say that without the first batch of politicians, Singapore would NEVER be what She is today. Similarly, I'll shoot down my own argument by saying that it is the exact same batch of initial founding politicians that has condemned Singapore to her political doom, with only the P*P wielding majority power, and having unquestionable rule in Singapore.

As for why I'd want to be a politician, the answer is very simple. I don't :) I don't intend to fight the government because there is NO way I'll win. History and statistics have proven that the Singapore government has won EVERY SINGLE DEFAMATION SUIT against members of the opposition party, with the exception of Mr. JBJ, who happened to be sued by a non-political party AFTER 7 members from PAP dropped 7 different defamation suits against him ;). Coincidence?

For this simple reason, I'll definitely not run against the government. It's pragmatic not to. I'll definitely speak out - I've actually spoken to the RC chairperson in my estate regarding certain policies, and I'm also involved in the grassroots movements.

As much as I care about the political situation in Singapore, I'll definitely not be actively involved in politics, until I am damned sure that PAP's losing its iron grip over the political scene in Singapore. Til then, I'm contented with speaking out at political forums, writing into ST forums and stuff like that.