Art Students in JC

I only know Maths is definitely a must for all Science students. But that is seriously understandable cos Maths is the language of Science.

But is Maths the language of Arts? I do not see the relevance. I agree that Econs seriously does have its benefits and its usefulness, but if you're forced to take it, will you be able to appreciate it?

I can't stand being forced to do things which I dislike. Everyone has a choice. Definitely. And it's really sad that the emphasis is all on Science today.

Biomedical Science, Life Sciences, Chemical Engineering, Genetics, etc... I think we have seen enough of such topics in the newspapers. It's totally frustrating that Arts students do not seem to have a place in Singapore's future with all the hype on Biopolis and the future life sciences.

Sure, we have our own Fusionpolis, our own SOTA, but... Why do they seem secondary? Biopolis came out first. NUS High came out first.

Don't you feel that we're inferior to the Science students?
It's a cycle, dude, and you're in the wrong phase of it. My teacher once remarked that this has been done before.

It's always an emphasis on specialisation, then an emphasis on being well rounded, then an emphasis on specialisation yada yada yada.
I dont feel that im inferior. It's just different, man. I find more meaning in the arts then in the sciences. They find more meaning in the sciences. It's up to them. At the end of the day, we're all just searching for the truth. I do feel that a proper balance has to be reached. I cannot deny that maths and physics intrigue me sometimes even though i dont really fancy those subjects.

People place so much emphasis on the sciences cause it does have a tangible effect on the overall standard of living of people. And what's wrong with that? Compare finding a cure for cancer and finding the ultimate meaning of The Hunting of The Snark, which matters more?
They place so much emphasis that they forget about us. That's the negative effect.

And let the scientists do their work.

The artist can help change the world too. At least he/she does not have to cure diseases.

I'm not too sure about the econs that JC people are doing, but the micro and macro econs i'm taking in NP simply rocks. I'm taking International Econs and higher econs in my second year.

Like vx02 mentioned, this subject doesn't have a clear distinction when it comes to catagory. Economics degree can fall in both the Bachelor of Science and Bachelor of Arts catagory.

In poly, we do a fair bit of calculations, graphs etc etc. In exams, we still need to write short essays but it leans more towards the scientific part. But from what I see, my friends in ACJC write hell lot of essays for econs. i think JC econs is "Normative Economics" where they have to analyse the situation and give reasons, explain etc etc. Something like SS or History in Secondary School? But way more intense.

Yes, the PPF graph, demand & supply curve IS mathematical. But behind these graphs are concepts that you would need to understand before you can apply into any analysis.

So i guess that's why they catagorised economics as an arts subject.

As for the part about the education system... I sympathise with u bro. I never believed in the education system and "studying"... but learning. That is why I opted to go poly. :mrgreen:

All the best to you man! take care.
Hell no, Maths is not the language of the Arts. -.-

I have no idea why did the government try to implement the H1, H2 and contrasting subject system. And isn't JC a pre-university college...

From the looks of it and other examples of pre-university colleges around the world, I think JCs lack the transparency and freedom that other colleges around the world offer.

And I really have to lament at the fact that Arts students seem so secondary. In fact in HCI, it's like only 15% of the cohort in the Arts Stream. Likewise, in other JCs[especially prestigious JCs], the vast majority are enrolled into Science stream.

The Arts Stream seems like a dumping ground and a backdoor route for students who cannot make it.
The Arts Stream seems like a dumping ground and a backdoor route for students who cannot make it.

i strongly agree with you on the stigma attached to the arts stream. the only distinct difference in subject combis during my time was it was compulsory for Science students to take up C Maths whilst twas optional for Arts (i took it anyways). i wished i had gone to poly cos haha to be honest i have no idea what the hell i was studying for during my 2 years in jc. the purpose of doing your A Levels is solely, an express, no-fuss route into uni. and in my case, for someone who cant make up his mind on what to do in poly.

the system will change only when the govt sees that whatever they're doing aint working and they revert to a modified version of the older system. education systems are cyclical in nature. those who go with the flow more or less do alright. those who challenge the flow and are able to see 10-20 years in the future, do better.
The Arts

This includes drama, poetry, fine arts, among a few other stuff. Intellectal stuff. There is math to everything, and these are not exceptions. Be thankful you're getting taught some math, because real math is nothing like what schools have in their textbooks. Also, it doesn't matter if you fail throughout the route. Some things definitely get inside your mind, and that's enough to survive in this world. You'll not be the fittest, but you will be fit.

Those who challenge the flow and are able to see 10-20 years in the future are the ones that do badly in terms of academics. A paper which says you can do this and that is not valid everywhere. Those who go by the book, with the flow, the goats, are the ones that will serve the puppets of the puppets, and will be the examples of "good students". In truth, they are only moulded - they don't mould themselves.
seriously, it matters less WHAT you take then HOW WELL you do for it. in the end u go uni, the only thing you can take with you is maths

so just enjoy the supposedly 'better' babes in arts

and nothing wrong with poly either, alot of poly students make it to unis. it only matters how good you are

that is sooo true man.... all the hot girls are in arts!
I dunno about you, but after 2 years in JC I kinda regret not going to poly and taking business or something else other than whatever I've already hated studying before JC.
Dude, you got owned man.

Why dont you go to Lasalle or NAFA or some arts course in a poly or something?
haha... who says our education system was perfect anyway?

Try going to lasalle or nafa open house ... maybe it might suit your artistic pursuits better.
Dude, you got owned man.

Why dont you go to Lasalle or NAFA or some arts course in a poly or something?

Yup, i second that... or take the unconventional route of enrolling in a long distance learning program with the flexibility to pursue your artistic talents (like what i am currently doing after left college).
But Lasalle or Nafa doesn't offer me subjects like History or E Lit.

Of course I do do Art and Music too, but oh well, I don't have any portfolio of any sort that can get me in.
I like history and lit too, but it is hard to make a career out of it.
So i read it up during my free time, write some poetry every now and then and study business as my main.

You should just do some samples, it does not have to be exceptional... it is about the way you think after all.

You got to really decide your future because i can see you are not going to be very happy taking mathematical subjects which in turn would be detrimental for your chances of entering a local universitiy given the low interest level in your combination.

It is time to start thinking what you want in life instead of float around with what the society has to offer you. I have a friend who was forced to enroll in poly for a year before he dropped out and went to lasalle because that was his true interest.

There are always alternatives, don't limit yourself ^^

Good luck in your journey, hope you find some inspiration in my writings on my website.
Ah, it's my ambition to be a politician.

I don't really know if I should continue to stay on in a JC because I'm already beginning to dislike the rigidity and the stupid subject combinations which they offer.

I guess that's the reason why there are so many people heading for Polytechnic courses these days.
Hehe... i never looked back at dropping out of JC
I am so proud of it! In fact, i never been happier.

To be a politician, any degree would do.
