:arrow: Anybody interested in a SOFT online competition?

Wow!!! finally approaved!!!

soft said:
...I will somehow magically produce a 16 bars melody. JUST MELODY and then everyone else can take the melody and do up a song with it...

Sounds good, so now Cheez can participate liao.

Cheez said:
The key word here is "chance" - so no promise...

Mr Cheez, you very "tricky" hor!

As for the points stuff,
hm... may be good or may be not good.
I also can't comment much.
alrigghtt...hehe lets get it on...though am swamped with work till monday...so after that...all guns blazing... :lol:
James, 16 bars is very long - it will limit one's creativity for expanding on more melody lines. Everybody will sound the same! I think max 8 bars, 4 bars even better; less than 4 bars become too vague and pointless as everybody will sound totally different.

Also, will need both scores and guitar tabs (for those who cannot read scores - to be fair). Best, even post a simple midi version of the melody - that will take up less than 1kb space anyway!

And mingguan, I may not be able to compete this round since my PC is still down. So much for advocating for PC!!! I've received my new sample libraries and I can't even try them out!
No, I meant that James post the melody in SOFT as: 1) score, 2) tabs, 3) midi (so we can have a quick listen to the melody by playing it with our media player or whatever you have). This is helpful for voters who are not going to compete but will be voting - at least they know how the original melody sound like. Some of them may not be able to read scores or tabs. Nothing elaborate - just one line of melody in midi that will take 5 seconds to do and take up a miniscule amount of memory space.
Cheez said:
James, 16 bars is very long - it will limit one's creativity for expanding on more melody lines. Everybody will sound the same! I think max 8 bars, 4 bars even better; less than 4 bars become too vague and pointless as everybody will sound totally different.

Agree. 16 bar will become purely arrangement liao...

Cheez said:
... I may not be able to compete this round since my PC is still down. ...

I thought your PC down quite long time ago liao...

Back to the basic lah...
Without computer, you can still play piano live & record live, right? :wink:
imagine how a soft synth player survive without PC...
also a challenge to you mah.
use back your basic skill!
Yah, play piano and guitar live, get some pots and pans for percussion, and my sons screaming as special effects...
I will think so, mingguan. And a limit to 3 or 4 minutes - otherwise some people may come up with a 10 minutes rendition.

Another thing - it occured to me that it may be more fair to have each person vote for 3 music instead of just one. Sometimes it's hard to come to one decision if music are all very good.

James, is that possible in the current forum polling system?
Cheez said:
...limit to 3 or 4 minutes - otherwise some people may come up with a 10 minutes rendition.
Take 3~4 minutes limit as guideline lor...
Cheez said:
...each person vote for 3 music instead of just one....

should we know how many people will participate before start (ie. given the melody line)?
or just the throw the melody line here, whoever like it can take part & just submit the song at the end of deadline.
Good point. Since it's too late to put a poll in this thread and starting a new thread is quite troublesome:

Will everybody who is interested in such a competition please indicate that you are interested? That does not mean you'll definitely have to join in, and it does not mean you have to join every single competition. It's just a quick take on the interest level.
Cheez said:
Good point. Since it's too late to put a poll in this thread and starting a new thread is quite troublesome:

I thought since you're thread starter, you can always edit the thread with add-in a poll.

count me in.

just wondering,
will it be some sort of "variations".

BTW, whoever give the melody line, PLEASE DON'T GIVE THE CHORD (or any accompaniment)! as Any chord progression will limit the creativity. Even with the same melody line, each of us may come out with different chord progression.
Cannot add in a poll. I think I can only do that for a new thread - once the thread has no poll, I don't know how to add one in.

James offerred to come up with the first melody line. I think it's appropriate for him to post the first one since he is the moderator.

And you're right - melody line only. No chords. Let's start simple - no "variations". Just one melody line and see how the response is.

Talking about "variations" to the competition, maybe sometime in the future, James could post a picture of something as a theme (maybe like a child from a third world country, or the tsunami disaster etc) and we write a piece based on that picture. Interesting idea, no? Another idea which has been done elsewhere - we can even have the "worst sounding" competition. We need to sound terrible - not just bad but dead awful. The worst sounding piece of music wins!
Come on guitarists!!! With so many postings in OMs, I'm sure this competition is no problem for you!!!!
Great! More people please...

Just a digression. To help voters vote intelligently, perhaps we should give them some guidelines to help them judge. Any suggestions? I'm thinking of:

1. Originality (if song started to sound like some familiar pop song, we know something is wrong...); perhaps we should include both originality in song and sound (yes, I can see the guitarists smiling and getting their pedals ready)
2. Overall arrangement (this is going to be hard unless people knows music well...but good to put down anyway - one key criteria is that the main theme is kept alive throughout the piece)
3. Skills (in terms of performance, playing of instruments etc)

What should NOT be an important criteria for judging - quality of recording (since everybody uses different recording equipment and most would probably be done at home). Of course, if the recording sounded like 8kbps mono with crackles and pops such that one cannot hear what's going on, it's not going to be judged well.
