Armchair Critic vs WORMROT (A Little More Competition)

Yah, very vague. I think a little more competition doesn't mean a literal competition like this..

But hey, naomi watts said it already, I accept his views, this just my view so yeah, doubt it's going to do or change anything so all the best for this.

Plastic, I agree with you on some level and as the starter of the thread that sparked this whole competition thing off, I definitely did not mean, like you said, a literal competition, but instead I meant more hostile and public friction between bands.

However, what James says is true. Regardless, people WILL check out these 2 songs, people will read up about what the bands have to say about each other, people will want to listen and decide which band came up with a better song. Plus in the meantime, more than the average amount of people would probably also look up Armchair Critic and WORMROT's myspace and hear some songs.

All these add up to the bands being heard more, which can only be a good thing. So yeah I think that is the point of this whole event. I am not saying I agree with how all this has panned out, but I definitely am not against it.

I'll wait for the response at the end of everything before deciding if this is an epic fail, or just epic.
Aye. They wanna battle, let them battle la.
If it's for publicity stunt then okay la! Good for them. Too bad for you.
It's not askin you to donate money or sms for 50cents each to vote who's de winner or whiner.

Don't approve of this 'competition'? then stay away from these interested parties.
It's neutral here. They don't need a wet blanket.

WormRot And Armchair reached a mutual agreement. SO let them have fun.

We can never please everybody. Even if James set some rules, you partypoopers will STILL judge the rules somehow.

Bottomline: Dont like this 'competition'? Keep ur unnecessary comments in ur pocket and stay away.
We should do this WWE style man, with betrayals and low blows and chair shots to the head and ominous Hell-in-a-cell announcements. Of course, not forgetting the catchphrases.

"If ya smell what Wormrot is cookin'~!"
Aye. They wanna battle, let them battle la.
If it's for publicity stunt then okay la! Good for them. Too bad for you.
It's not askin you to donate money or sms for 50cents each to vote who's de winner or whiner.

Don't approve of this 'competition'? then stay away from these interested parties.
It's neutral here. They don't need a wet blanket.

WormRot And Armchair reached a mutual agreement. SO let them have fun.

We can never please everybody. Even if James set some rules, you partypoopers will STILL judge the rules somehow.

Bottomline: Dont like this 'competition'? Keep ur unnecessary comments in ur pocket and stay away.

Get off your high horse, this is a public forum. No one is saying anything unnecessary, everything is still in the context of this thread. Nobody just said: Lol this thread suckz competition suckz.

Maybe some people have questions? I know mine have been answered after I posted here.

did James pay you to post this? Kidding, haha. No need so get touchy aye. Even Lee Kuan Yew says that the opposition's criticism helps keep the current ruling PAP party in check too, so i dont see how bad a few questions here and there can be. And this is taking to account how redundant our opposition is....

Yes I am certain we can never please everyone. If you could, im sure that you'll definitely be a very unhappy person. So I dont really see any validity in that statement. Besides, its a forum for healthy discussion :) Im sure James dosent mind and he can lock the thread or something if something gets out of hand somehow. But so far its pretty civil and like what Plastic said, at least his questions are getting answered, so what's wrong with that?
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Take a chillpill , it's just a forum not the battle of the pacific . Since when was freedom of speech banned on soft ?
I'm just very very interested to see what songs actually come out, before I even criticize actually.
So how is the songs written gonna be judged by? Technicality? Musicianship? Songwriting? I'm sure many people have different ideas about what is good about these respective criterias and without laying any proper form of groundwork the results are obviously going to be biased.
seriously dude, i have no idea haha. we're just gonna do our thing and watch the ripples. u guys do the judging. im contented enough u guys bothered to click on this thread.
seriously dude, i have no idea haha. we're just gonna do our thing and watch the ripples. u guys do the judging. im contented enough u guys bothered to click on this thread.

I saw you guys at a beatmerchants gig, keep it brutal man :D
seriously dude, i have no idea haha. we're just gonna do our thing and watch the ripples. u guys do the judging. im contented enough u guys bothered to click on this thread.

Every time one of you opens this thread, me and naomi watts earns $0.05 royalties from the internet. Thanks guys! Soon I can buy my happy meal...
naomi watts, we can go around and tell people that WORMROT wrote this song for [Band Battle] Armchair Critic vs WORMROT? Cos I will be spreading this info to the newspaper (hopefully they will pick it up).
yea. although magazines regarding music would be more appropriate. honestly i'm curious and excited for ACC's version. i want a midtempo dance-along groove!
i think it's going to be abit more of an acoustic-ish pop-punk sort of tune; something you might expect from maybe a taking back sunday/yellowcard mash up

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