Armchair Critic vs WORMROT (A Little More Competition)

Me and some mates are thinking of joining the competition. We are inspired by Matmos' 2001 album.

So we should be sampling and playing around with sounds sampled from usage of KY Jelly, some Durex Featherlite and some squeeky toys. It should be a glitch-dub-step tribute and we are thinking of calling it 'A Little More Lubrication'.

Eh, wait, wrong forum. Sorry, we extract.
What do you mean by *graciously admitting defeat* ?

Don't you guys have anything? An old gig video? Perhaps some kind of demo recording? Or perhaps some dignity ?

Okay let me address this once and for all:

the conditions of the competition was to produce an original song by April. If you want old videos or demo recordings, you can find them at or

We failed to deliver. Okay? We thought we would have been able to, but we were overwhelmed with all sorts of commitments that we hadn't factored in. Our drummer is now serving in Tekong, and both me and my guitarist are being swallowed up by our A levels. You may have noticed I hardly post here anymore- it's not that I don't want to, but I don't even get to come online.

So here's our personal dilemma now- we are extremely low on cash, free time and sanity. We've already exceeded the stipulated time limit for the competition, which would pretty much mean that we've already lost. Even if we did begin work on the song, the quality of the recording would definitely not do justice to the competition.

I ask you, If you had to divide your time and energy between your struggling academics, a shot at finally completing and releasing an EP which you've been dreaming about doing for years, and your dignity on an internet forum, which would you do?

Let me remind you of the original purpose of the whole competition, which you can find here:

I quote tim098: "It could even help increase the quality of the band's music. For example band A has this mini 'rivalry' with band B. A has a better single than B, but B's recording quality is impeccable, and one-ups A. A is then furious, and decides to re-record, and match B's quality. A THEN gets their song preferred to than B. Both bands gain some sort of recognition/publicity."

At this stage, I think it's pretty clear that WORMROT has the upper hand. They are an absolutely awesome band and they deserve all the attention, respect and glory that they get from this little episode; but I seriously doubt that they have got nothing better to do than to sit on an online forum all day and wait for us to post something.

In sticking with the true nature of competition in the pursuit of quality and success, and taking into consideration real-world constraints including but not limited to time, money and energy, I believe that it is in everybody's best interests to just MOVE ON. We acknowledge defeat with regards to the production of a commissioned song- but why on earth must we be so myopic as to harp on it? [

Has the local music scene has benefited because of this competition? I would say YES because WORMROT surely has a few new fans now! But is the scene worse off because we didn't submit anything? We will instead be putting in our 110% into producing, launching and publicizing our EP- and if you are capable of rational thought processes, you will be able to understand how that would in fact be far more effective at "competing" in the true and genuine sense as intended by the original poster.

I also have to ask- do you truly understand the meaning of dignity? Dignity is conduct indicative self-respect or appreciation of the gravity of a situation." Is this a grave situation? Personally, I don't think it is. I still have my self-respect because I have time and time again put my time, energy and money into organizing, playing, publicizing gigs and helping out in the scene wherever and however I can.

If you still have a problem with that, then I must say that your pain and suffering at being misled and cheated of your precious time by petty squabble on the internet has truly and deeply touched my heart. Boohoo.
Since visa said so, we will just let it end this way.

Thanks to WORMROT for their music/video. Will send you guys a prize for your participation.
At this stage, I think it's pretty clear that WORMROT has the upper hand. They are an absolutely awesome band and they deserve all the attention, respect and glory that they get from this little episode; but I seriously doubt that they have got nothing better to do than to sit on an online forum all day and wait for us to post something.


If you still have a problem with that, then I must say that your pain and suffering at being misled and cheated of your precious time by petty squabble on the internet has truly and deeply touched my heart. Boohoo.

I guess a late explanation is better than no explanation, but those potshots were thoroughly, thoroughly unnecessary.

If you couldn't spare time, money and energy with regards to this competition, then perhaps that chunk of explanation that you have put up could perhaps be condensed into a line or two:

"Due to NS, and our time taken up by 'A' Levels and our upcoming EP, we regret to say that we are pulling out from the competition."

... in a MUCH earlier reply. No nonsense, honest, frank, straight to the point. We would have respected you for it the same.

Unfortunately, you decided to drop random, unapologetic, 3-4 worded lines like "graciously admitting defeat" to try to worm yourself out of this. That, IMO, shows a total lack of respect, not just to Wormrot, but to everyone else who have anticipated the result of this competition.

You've written replies like a GP paper in your previous threads. Some of us do anticipated "A Little More Explanation". Perhaps, that's all we really needed. However, we didn't get that.

You even took a shot at us for following this thread with eagerness; those of us who could very well be your new-found fans and potential buyers of your upcoming EP? Yes, Soft does not represent the entire Singapore, but it's a good point to start with. I personally wouldn't risk burning this bridge down even IF I were to think so lowly of it.

Although I do agree that the scene wouldn't be worse off because you didn't submit anything, I do think that a submission would have made the scene a little more interesting. Misfit Ramones's invalid submission definitely put some spice in this competition. I anticipated a buzz that would have spilled over to the press if this competition thing picks up.

But right now, I guess it wouldn't happened.
sheesh thats it? its over? i dont really quite bother about the prize though. although yey thanks! haha. but now i kinda feel its like... "we`re shooting and killing in an imaginary, make-believe war with fading enemies". And to know that we won by default, makes us wanna kill more. really. this sucks. but anyhu, shit happens. that long message u type backing out with indirect shooting is really unnecessary dood. Im not backing anyone here but its kinda obvious ey? just spit what it needs to be spit and thats it. end of story. i think. or maybe youre just a fierce indie band. haha thats grindcore right there.

but wtf finally this shite is over with a shitty ending. just wanna thank again for all the gd/bad criticism towards our submission/band. it was hella fun making the video. and luckily Misfit Ramones step up and spice things up a little. they are the better contender i guess. but what the hell. we'll see yall at the corefest.

Born f**king stupid.

ps. SHEESH. :rolleyes:
Damn...I was starting to build some dustcastles on my balls. Well, congrats to Wormrot for their hardwork. And hope the prize is worth it, if it's not...just put it in the SOFT buy/sell. Hur hur hur.
Damn...I was starting to build some dustcastles on my balls. Well, congrats to Wormrot for their hardwork. And hope the prize is worth it, if it's not...just put it in the SOFT buy/sell. Hur hur hur.

hahahaha dustcastle on balls. thats goregrind right there! yeah my balls are finally dust free.

oh yea, just an update the album hopefully will be release this month so yeap wait for the official release date. will be announce soon in a new thread with flyer promo whatever. Wormrot - Abuse will be under SCROTUM JUS RECORDS(SG)

check the label out here;

cheeeerssss :twisted:

... in a MUCH earlier reply. No nonsense, honest, frank, straight to the point. We would have respected you for it the same.

I must agree. I'm sorry.

Unfortunately, you decided to drop random, unapologetic, 3-4 worded lines like "graciously admitting defeat" to try to worm yourself out of this. That, IMO, shows a total lack of respect, not just to Wormrot, but to everyone else who have anticipated the result of this competition.

It wasn't meant to be sarcastic, but a response to the posts directly above it which suggested that we be considered disqualified. But I can totally see your perspective now, which I didn't consider earlier because I was too concerned with my own. Again, I must apologize.

You even took a shot at us for following this thread with eagerness.

Eagerness is one thing, and I appreciate that. I was targeting that at the people who were lingering around simply, in my biased perspective, to make useless comments when they're not particularly doing anything useful themselves. If you feel offended by the earlier statement, I'm sorry. But I cannot in honesty say that I feel any better about such people.

I anticipated a buzz that would have spilled over to the press if this competition thing picks up.

Highly unlikely lah, to be honest. The press only likes competitions like those between the two ACS boys over the convent girl. :P
You know the funny thing is Visa, the time that I started getting alot of shit from Lerping that built up to alot of misunderstanding between me and you as well as alot of people for not going to Wayne's memorial and his wake

happened when I was serving my first 2 weeks of BMT.

I couldn't get out, no one contacted me about the wake, and I was busy firstly with a gig on the same day as the memorial (with Ronin, and by the way, for the amount he was paid, Lerping sure did a half assed gig - before the gig he told me by email that he didn't care about the "stupid pillow gig", which they were being paid in the thousands for) and with commitments I made to other people long ago. Still, even with all these problems jammed up my ass, I made it down to the memorial, and brought my band, just to show respect. AND i still got shit for not going, really man, wtf right.

So to you Visa, I hope that now that you're going through some shit for similar reasons, though also it's your mouth and your underestimation of people's intelligence and pride on this forum, I hope you'll be in a better position to be understanding toward people who are contributing to the scene in their own way, instead of posting sarcastic comments (Singapore Idol 3 and this thread), instead of anyhow flaming people (me for instance). I think it looks like everyone is magnanimous enough to be prepared to forgive you, though for Wormrot it looks like they were looking forward to competing. Just do your best to contribute to local music, and keep the ego to a minimum.

I'm just trying to show you how, at the same stage of my life as you, I got the same kind of shit, though on a different scale, and from someone who's quite well known for giving people lots of shit.
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Well all these supposed "useless comments" wouldnt have come about if AC had submitted something.

Its like created demand. And ppl were WAITING for you to do it.
Hey Visa, notice how nobody's flaming you like some dog even though we're all online and anonymous and thus are given the option to flame whoever we like(purely because there's no police around here and it's really funny to see people flare up online, honest). And hell we have a reason to, which could have made this thread a really "fun" one for some of us who are sick and demented.

Please, show some grace and tolerance and maybe slightly less self righteousness in future when other fellow mortals like us mess up.

To be honest, you guys could have done an acoustic piece and got away with it. Even if you just changed the lyrics to one of your older unknown songs, this competition might have achieved some sort of success. And more beautiful competitions might have followed. If Jimi Hendrix wrote Little Wing in 2 minutes, and O Town wrote their "is it all, or nothing at all" song in twenty, you guys could have done something similar. We do not have ridiculous expectations. We just wanted to see how this competition thing would work out. And unfortunately, we may never know, or do we already know?

Oh, and don't make empty promises in future, kay? :-D

As I once before: Do not play Russian Roulette with a fully loaded revolver.

PS. Love the wormrot song.
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How disappointing.

Nontheless, it was good fun while it lasted. Kudos to MR and WR for the effort.
On a lighter note.. wormrot's guitarist is so hot i just wanna ... ohhmm ...... i love you tee he he.



Okay go go local scene !!~