Armchair Critic vs WORMROT (A Little More Competition)

bad news is good news as they say.
but we'll all try not to be as immatured as THAT.
things will NOT get out of control.
expect quality releases from both bands.
Then more publicity will be brought to it. More people will check out Armchair Critic and Wormrot.

I am 100% sure after Astroninja had their video talking bad about James publicised here, many many more people than usual went to check them out as well. Whether it be other videos or their myspace account, they still received a hell lot of attention.

And attention is usually a good thing right?:cool:

amen to that .

how do we vote then ? hope it wont be all screwed up -_-

and yeah what does the winner 'win' ? apart from bragging rights
naomi watts and myself will be done with reservist in 5 days time. and we'll be blasting the studio soon enough. TIRED LA SIAL RESERVIST. MATADOR GRIND! :rolleyes:
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the song layout is done. will be recorded along with materials for our next release and included into the album. guitar+drums recording on 9th March.
no offence to both bands but i think this competition is lame and stupid. James has not even laid down the groundwork for the criteria both bands will be judged. So how is the songs written gonna be judged by? Technicality? Musicianship? Songwriting? I'm sure many people have different ideas about what is good about these respective criterias and without laying any proper form of groundwork the results are obviously going to be biased.
Ized + Zax should check out some band competitions. Most of the bands who won usually know "how to win".

For those who don't know how to win, they will lose. This is the real world. Not school exams.

naomi watts , hope you guys will set the standard for better things to come.
I mean we have always made music to win others, to compete with and beat the rest, right? :confused:




No point trying to argue as to whether this is stupid or not. Both bands agreed. The "competition" is on. So I think it's best to let this thread evolve and see what happens in the end.

You always have the option to ignore this thread if you really think this is just stupid, yes?
Well, I'm not saying it's stupid. I want to know why was this created, for what purpose? How will it aid the local music scene? How can it further the cause?

Questions about the thread should be posted on the thread itself right.
at the end of the day, its not abt winning or competing. we can only only win if there's something to win for, but have we discussed abt that matter? no. if we had wanted something to win for, we'd have joined battle of the bands or asian beat or all those sponsored competitions, win some cash or iron cobras or epiphones and what not. youre there to prove ur art and skills, only to be judged by a panel of know-it-alls in the industry.
we're taking this as an opportunity to share something in common with a singapore band of a different genre, in this case an fresh indie band whom we do not know of til this thing started, so its an eyeopener for us. if u really want this to be an all-out competition and wants the winner to win something, sort it out with james who initiated this cuz the the deadline's drawing neareeeeeeer.:)
if not, take this as an opportunity to unearth undiscovered sounds of singapore you've not heard before.
Yah, very vague. I think a little more competition doesn't mean a literal competition like this..

But hey, naomi watts said it already, I accept his views, this just my view so yeah, doubt it's going to do or change anything so all the best for this.
As of today, 6000+ views on this thread. If each person look at this thread 100 times, we have at least 60 person who are now 'fans' of Armchair Critic and/or WORMROT already.

We will also have 2 new songs from them, could be the song that we are all waiting for - to put Singapore music on the map. I really hope this is the 'prize'.
Well, I'm not saying it's stupid.

Nah, I'm not saying you. I'm saying in the general context.

I personally find it is getting a little silly as well but yet at the same time I am very keen on knowing this "competition's" outcome as well. I guess we really have to wait and see.
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It is silly. A competition of sorts to promote 2 bands? Ok its very good marketing, but it isnt a very competitive one is it.

Maybe I take the definition of competition a little too seriously, but hey this just beats me. And i've seen band competitions like Yamaha Asian Beats. Most of the time the bands that win are usually the shredder/technical bands. And FYI, at least those competitions have some kind of a proper judging criteria to determine the winning band. But those points I have raised, none of it has been properly clarified. Why the ambiguity?

So.....its not really a competition la. geez. ok i get it.
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