And this is supposed to come from a human's point of view or an alien?
Well I am trying to be a sarcastic alien. *LOL*
But really.... how much of science that are exposed to the public is all there is to it ?
Science theories have been challenged and defeated before.
Many many times in the past.
Remember the flat earthers ?
What is to say the science/theory of today won't be the flat earth theory of tomorrow ?
That's how I believe 'aliens' would view humans.
We can't even travel into the earth to really find out what's inside yet we're already releasing theories that cannot be proven and expect others to accept as the gospel truth.
We humiliate others because we're in a position of power to do so, and we reject even valid proven theories because they threaten our position in power.
Scientists said earthquakes cannot be predicted yet one guy did the exact opposite with his solar eclipse influence on earthquake model and he was 100 percent spot on with his earthquake predictions.
The funny thing is he is NOT EVEN A SCIENTIST!
Corrupt Scientists and Corrupt Bishops and Popes are identically staunchly religious in defending their position of power to the point they would tell lies to hold on to power.