anybody else a passive person?

ken: dude,talking bout phenolic fretboard,how's it like?soundwise and the feel? coz im thinkin of getting status neck for my project bass,but kinda unsure,need to get a rough description from you before deciding yea =)
Phenolic fretboards play like butter... there'as a certin glide about them. If you like the touch of wood however, this is quite different. Also the sound quality is different when it comes to graphite, it has that touch but somke dun think its organice enuff.

There's a brand of graphite necks called Moses which are licensed by Fender..can check that too.

My personal opinion however is that graphite necks give very rough touch to slaps and pops... dunno how to explain it but that's personal.

The status necks are very nice but i am not sure if you want to take them off a status body.. Status basses are cool because they have that Status bite (Some folks like it, others dun) and the constructin and selection is such that they work well together such as the S -1 and S2 series stuff...

Hope that helps. Check out the new Parker Mojo bass.... i was so bloody tempted i almost ordered it straight off the catalogue when i was at G77..... slurp slurp
weee....thanks for the info bro,really appreciate it
as for the status neck,i didnt take it from status bass,they also got replacement neck for musicman and fender =)
parker bass kinda small for me man,so i opt it out,but it gives a serious sound out of the bass man,the growl and the sound is just simply fantastic,check out tom hamilton live,really rock my ass la...
+the design also uber cool,the shape got me interested when first time saw it