wraith said:The exact opposite of you dude, 3 actives and 1 passive. :lol:
wookie said:Also have a passive - old Gibson Ripper, but haven't used it in quite a bit... but i remembered the sound to be a lot "mellower".
Possession said:I don't necessarily think that one is better than the other. It really depends on the situation. I think an active bass is more 'convenient' tonewise especially in Singapore where backline is provided, and you don't know what amps you might get, or if you record a lot direct.
On the other hand, I like the simplicity of passives, and I always gig with my own rig so the preamp on my Eden suffices.
What I don't understand is bassists who have a bass with every conceivable cut and boost and then spend an entire set tweaking their bass-tone controls when the solution could just be a parametric tweak away. Then "The preamp on this bass is so good I don't even have to tweak my amp!". Isn't that what the preamp controls are for?
IMO, I think that a lot of 'active-phobia' can be attributed to cut-cost preamps in mid-range basses. After all, the preamp is one of the first corners cut in budget instruments.
Just my 2-cents worth.
reyrey said:Possession said:I don't necessarily think that one is better than the other. It really depends on the situation. I think an active bass is more 'convenient' tonewise especially in Singapore where backline is provided, and you don't know what amps you might get, or if you record a lot direct.
On the other hand, I like the simplicity of passives, and I always gig with my own rig so the preamp on my Eden suffices.
What I don't understand is bassists who have a bass with every conceivable cut and boost and then spend an entire set tweaking their bass-tone controls when the solution could just be a parametric tweak away. Then "The preamp on this bass is so good I don't even have to tweak my amp!". Isn't that what the preamp controls are for?
IMO, I think that a lot of 'active-phobia' can be attributed to cut-cost preamps in mid-range basses. After all, the preamp is one of the first corners cut in budget instruments.
Just my 2-cents worth.
sorry bro,my english not good,kinda confused when reading the last few lines,so in simple english,you're trying to say...? :wink: