Any musicians exp tis b4?gif up guit or gf...


New member
wonder if there are any softies here who exp this b4or able to help...
wat if ur gf asks u either to gif up ur passion for music if not gif up her... :(
depends how into the hobby u are. Most gfs will support the guy's music hobby, as long as he still has time for her. Most wont be so unreasonable one, and even very enthusiastic to promote bf's band, maybe even watch their jamming, etc. so i find your situation kind of strange. Anyway, over at the fishkeeping hobby, its much worse. Many girls plain hate that hobby, n 95% of the guys find nagging gf/wife/mother or worse, those that force them to quit. :(
a guitar is to impress ur gf..y would ur gf want u to quit something that can impress her??+))
thts the problem i see too strange y shld it be put together...i still have time for her it usually only takes up 1 day (wkend) for my guit...accompany her almost once or twice every wk...wonder it still considered less...... :cry:
yea but she exception...she got no interest in it....she wont wan attend gigs wif me...nor interested to see mine.....i dun really receive support from her as well...
keiith said:
a guitar is to impress ur gf..y would ur gf want u to quit something that can impress her??+))

No offence, but it's disappointing (at least for me) to see such reasons why people started playing the guitar... =|
keiith said:
a guitar is to impress ur gf..y would ur gf want u to quit something that can impress her??+))
It's pretty sad to hear this though. It's kinda disappointing to hear this from a fellow guitarist. I picked it up for the passion after hearing yngwie malmsteen play his guitar. If my gf wants me to drop music, I rather drop her. If she's understanding, she should be able to compromise with me. If I have such a gf I'll break with her straight away.
Ah Marksman,
Keiith was merely jesting, chill. :wink:

I am just happy that my girl's very supportive of my interest.
I guess it's just that she plays the drums and is now keen on learning the sax, so she understands what passion is. And how it works. :lol:
well..i gave up my gf for my guitar....hmm...cos i really feel the the time i spent on guitar everyday is more den the time i talk to its really unfair for her...but it all depends...if u can manage time well..which i cant...u shld be all fine...specially when u have a supportive gf...
Yeah, this is when you realise that they weren't kidding when they said that character and the degree of matchability triumph over looks.

And hey dude, I am certain if you explained the situation to your gf, and how it's distressing you, she'd surely understand and you guys can reach a sweet compromise. :)
well boy..u know now how ur gf is. mayb shez not evn fit to be yer gf sorry to say. bt yeah broads like these r is natural for em to b jealous coz of the time we spend on our instruments. bt to such extent? i'v nvr heard..shez like trying to imply "hey u bttr keep me happy or else.." :x like hey pal..think abt it. no hard feelings ey
I gave up my gf for the guitar too. She couldn't take the amount of time I spent playing... I mean, yeah, I'll go out with her, be back home @ 11pm? Then I'll play till 2am. Then rest, wake up go work. Repeat.

Then well, it came down to passion or love? Dreams or well... a more stable future?

I figured... I'm young, 22, I still have so many things I want to experience. I want to play guitar, I want to do music, I just wanted so many things that if I did not do it, I would be upset. Really upset.

You see a lot of 'I's there, yeah, it was a rather selfish thought. How to rationalise? You can't.

In the end, she realised that I was not going to be happy. She decided to call it quits.

Tis a sad thing, but truth be told, if you are < 30, I don't see an issue choosing the guitar over a girl. Please understand I am NOT demeaning ladies, or relationships I'm simply saying that there's more to life now, when you are young to do other things. Relationships can wait.

But thats my opinion.