Any musicians exp tis b4?gif up guit or gf...

Hmmmm...This type of situation reminds me of this classic qns:

"Your mother and your GF both drowning in the sea, u can only save one of them. Which one will u save?"

Slight hijack of this thread: My old timer muso kakis (those who were playing in bar bands etc from late 60s - 80s) used to tell stories how back in the day....alotta bar girls would almost fight over musicians. They'd buy muso drinks, cigarrettes and the so called gung ho ones might even buy some musos they really liked guitars & gear..... it seemed like being a "band-boy" especially playing in a rock & roll band was the "in Thing" to / weekend wise or whatever.... Girls would go " musician ah?"

Fast forward to today... ansd many Musos tell me that bar chicks will only go after the dude who drives the fancy cards, have the gold cards etc etc.... or sarong party girls who have major pinkerton syndrome.... Girls would now go " oooo...errr so you musician ah...?"

I have seen genuine love and affection by girls for struggling musos who love them for themselves and their craft but in my opinion it's more the exception than the norm nowadays....

Having heard feedback from these two diffirent era of musicians, I wonder if the situation really is so..? Old timer / newbie musos out there - what have you guys expirienced and do you think that this is really the case?

In the 60s to the 80s, there were alot more bands music in the radios and pop charts . Genuine Musicians were probably more covetted back then. Fast forwward now, u have good looking boybands and hip hop artists driving fast cars and blings blings. Its about the money and looks now. So i guess this is jus a reflection of our society in general. People get influenced by the media and probably hence the situation u described.
Re: ..

rottenramone said:
guess i was born during the wrong time :(

yeah man tell me about it...I just missed out.... :? BUT we still had our "fun with chicks" when playin the club scene / competitions late 80s - 90s... :lol:
It's generally a bad time for rock and roll. Though I think it's starting to pick up slightly (music scene), we're still a long way from the golden era of rock and what have you. It's become a pretty much money orientated society where money comes first. No money, won't survive. That's what they'll say. So in the end, they won't be doing anything from their soul.
If I were to choose between both.

Actually there are pros and cons.

I would choose guitar/music though.

Imagine if you choose your gf, and she leaves you 1 day.

What about guitar/music? No legs, so they won't run, or never leave you.

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