another "what fx should i buy thread"


New member
I've read through a couple threads about which multi fx and pedals etc.

Xmas and bday is coming up, the Aussie dollar is going strong against the SGD, so now is a good chance to cash in and buy myself a nice little present.

At the moment im using my amp disortion.
There is also a DOD fx7 multi effects processor in the classified for $100.

Any thoughts on this?

I dont wanna spend much, maybe $130sgd tops and i am open to 2nd hand items.

I wanna play metal and rock.

What can you guys reccomend :D
Save a tad more and get a GT2 ($200 2nd hand but likely can bring it down to $180). As far as pedals readily available in Singapore, GT2 tops my chart.
Lifehouse said:
Save a tad more and get a GT2 ($200 2nd hand but likely can bring it down to $180). As far as pedals readily available in Singapore, GT2 tops my chart.

i got my gt2 for $178 brand new at sim lim :o
Nitro, get the Behringer GDI. Every bit as good as the Sansamp, maybe even better. Some say its more analog sounding than the Sansamp. I heard Grain play it really loud over a Mesa stack. Very nice distortion!!!!
doesnt look like im getting that zoom 3030..will probably buy something in australia.

with the GT2, how much would a pedal board cost?
get the gt2 man, i loved the tone more than my own tri-ac. perhaps its the guitar, i dunno, but GT2 is for u.
hifi_killer said:
nitrovo said:
will probably buy something in australia.

i heard in australia the stuff are so much more expensive than in swee lee.

Yeah, i havent been able to find 2nd hand prices but i think its cheaper here.

I just want some fx for when i go there and jam with all my old mates!!1 :(

Cant affrd a gt2 until AFTER my sydney trip.
just wondering, how would the dist on a unit, e.g GT2 compare wih a MT-2

also would you guys reccomend seperate pedals or an FX unit.

Get a AX-1500G or the AX-3000G or The Zoom something. i forgot. :lol:
Zoom are quite good. Boss Gt-8
Nitro, get the Behringer GDI. Every bit as good as the Sansamp, maybe even better. Some say its more analog sounding than the Sansamp. I heard Grain play it really loud over a Mesa stack. Very nice distortion!!!!

yup went down to fourtones to jam ... i borrowed the behringer GdI for the session and i have say it is really good i mean it dosen't have much diffrence in tone sound quality as sansamp ... its a really good buy for 75 ... a reall steal if u ask me ... i would advice u to get that bro and say the rest u spend on another pedal say delay or chorus pedal depending on ur music intrest ... but the most impt will be ur distortion so yup spend more on it and get a proper one ...

multi fx i would say g2 ... cheap good and versatile in tone .. i would be getting one for jamming sessions as it is also small
i have a gt8 which i onli use for gigs ... very reliable versaile pedal..
so yup all the best for ur hunt!!