annoying gig photographers

All photographers/ videographers should have own telephoto lens and their own raised platform.

Using the telephoto range compresses the image. Lack of depth often equals a less dramatic image, plus by standing far away you lack the option of creating interesting perspectives, such as that which you'd get by squatting directly in front of a musician and shooting up at him.

EDIT: Lol, sorry for the bump, I got to this thread through googling for something
interesting thread!
ehh but dont forget they risk their 'lives' and camera mann.
if they really happen to annoy you that much, pull them into the mosh pit xDD
just got an alpha 350 recently, and went shooting for the powerjam auditions and semis.
was a really good experience, and it rocks when people really appreciate your work (:
Singaporean's loves to complain. Heres one. sigh...

When theres no photographer, says no exposure.
Whens theres a lot , says annoying.. AIYO!!!!!

In any case, photographers are doing for the sake of hobby. But some are doing for the local scenes. Of cause they will only choose the best to publish it. Cause not all photo taken are not that nice :)

Kudos to all the photographers who took photos for gigs and bands.!!

I agree with you what lah project but sometimes we photographers must make ourself invisible which I can't do it because my camera sucks and I had to go to near stage or even on stage to get the best shot which makes me one of those annoying photographers,blocking the view of the audience,but I always try to squat down as low as possible when shooting on stage.
Another thing is I 'risk' my life and my camera when shootin in the moshpit.I am already very small in size and imagine being stuck in the pit with my camera.I doubt I would comeback in one piece,or maybe thats exgerrating..say my camera may comeback with many piece.
During a show this weekend, i turned around to get to my pedal board and found a photographer standing in the middle of the stage between me and my effects.... had to shoulder charge him out of the way!
hur hur... oh well. not that im adding oil to the fire
its just that theres too many of them up there on stage.
i dont mind the professional ones.

what bothers me the most is those 'wannabes', who is doing it simply because everyone is doing it, and its cool(to them at least), and it helps them to get girls easier(seriously, i asked a few)

seriously i have nothing againts the real photographers, just the fakes..they dont even share their pictures. they keep it all to themself to show off to the ladies.
recently, i saw 1 shooting on stage, with flash, all around a solo performer. i almost faint.

Photographers should make themselves as invisible as possible. I shoot video and most of the time, i can only shoot inside the press area and that kinda block those just behind me. What I try to do is to squat down and not block them too much.
Photographer how to attract girls?We photographers are art geeks or art nerds.Who in the hell thinks photography will attract girls?I think wannabe rockstars will attract girls.LOL
I think Lomographers are invisible :) Cause, theres not many. HAHA ok lame.

But, I think Japan invented this invisible suit.
i love gig photogs when I'm up on stage .... if I'm part of the crowd - I'm ok if they dont get in the way too much ...
not sure myself actually, but it has been going around the malay community.
im not racist by the way and i am malay.
2 cents 20 cents 30 cents

My personal view.

As a gig photographer i think 1 should respect the musician's space and chance to interact with the audience.

Take for example Confessions at the Scape Lab several weeks ago. As you all know it doesnt have a platform so both band and audience are on the same level.

Apologies first to this dude. But check out the guy in BLACK.
(holding camera up high)


Sorry for the blur because colour delay was intended.

To me, this is too extreme. He was constantly standing even-leveled , going face to face with Trella (Band in pic). If you can see from the 2nd picture. His shoe is already touching joey's pedal board.

Other then this type of "stage". A Higher platform shouldnt be a problem.

You guys should be aware that nowadays everyone is a PHOTOGRAPHER and you can see them at gigs. Whether pros or self-image needer , both should balance their snapping and not interfering with the SHIOKNESS between band and audience.

My 2 cents. Cheers


No worries lah! Photographers are part of the shows too. No have them , meaning no publicity?
