annoying gig photographers

gig videographers (me for example)
2) you have no choice but to push away brainless assault moshing kids to protect your camera and maintain stable footage. (hate it when I dont' have a choice to pick someone my own size.)
4) you take weeks to convert the footage to put up online... (although those who know video rendering takes days.. no choice.)
Oh believe me when I say I experience "2" all the time... Failed to ward off a wild mosh pit during DragonForce's gig last year and "Crug" went my camera under over 10 people's feet...

I bluffed Nikon say i... ..."dropped" my camera and "pushed" in the lens accidentally cause it was stuck in the first place to get my warranty valid... Haha

And I'm very very guilty of point 4. Converting formats is not the hard part. The hardest part is EQ'ing the original sound to make the video sound fuller, and re-insert it into the video so that people will enjoy it better on YouTube... I still have like 20+ videos here undone...
well well, apparently we're quite unappreciated because we're considered "backstage"/"offstage". but i'm sure it's safe to say that neither are we trying to fight for recognition , cos the simple things like feedback that go "hey I've seen your shots of this band at this gig, it's great man, keep it up! thanks to you my computer has a local bands photos/videos folder" would be sufficient as "payment" for a free job.

so anyone else has an issue that wants to be brought up here so we all have a better understanding of each other?
i don't know nuts about videography and photography, but I do know that I love looking at photos and watching videos of local gigs. watching stuff like the suns @ mosaic and west grand boulevard @ rampage on the airwaves (filmed by ron from blueprintstudios) always brings back memories, and those are priceless.

thanks, guys.
Definately... I usually like to watch videos of local gigs on youtube. Especially those which have been done well... I do take videos of gigs myself and I personally understand how damn tough it is to make them enjoyable for the average youtube surfer online...

blueprintstudios and softsingapore are on my fave list cause of this reason!
my point it, its irritating, especially during a hardcore gig like sunday night's to be blocked a football squad of photographers standing ON stage IN FRONT OF the band. how about squatting down or moving to the sides?
i woudn't mind actually, so long as there have great pictures of me as well, haha as in taken with the band when there're performing of course.
my point it, its irritating, especially during a hardcore gig like sunday night's to be blocked a football squad of photographers standing ON stage IN FRONT OF the band. how about squatting down or moving to the sides?

well then, be objective. will gig photogs turn their cameras on you in front of the band and flash you ALL THE TIME? or was it just a one off gig? you're just overgeneralising and deeming all photogs irritating. come on. there has to be some of us with some sense.

like i said. WE DO SQUAT DOWN. WE DO KEEP OUT OF THE WAY. once in a while, we just have to get in your way. note. ONCE IN A WHILE. so why're you marginalising the countless times we make an effort to stay out of the way?
LOL Don't argue behind the computer anymore.

If these problems happen again , well , do sound off. I guess that incident happened not all the time. Some gigs with no photographers = not lifely.

Photographers out there, don't be disheartened by all these comments made. You guys did a good part in the local scene. Bring the photos to the world.
Off topic here, but when those big bands come, everyone will have their handphones and digicams out, pretty funny :/ first time I actually thought it was lighter-replacement until I realised the screens were all facing backwards.

And that I think that can be considered truely irritating because it happens at every concert and it kinda blocks the view ah :(

Anyway for the hardcore show, it truely was a crowd of photogs, and I guess nick is just letting off some steam about that night, everything kinda went wrong, the pa system and stuff.. bla! Nobody truely means any harm what..

on a lighter note.....Photos rule! Woohoo! Maria Ozawa :D
im not talking about all photographers. dont get your panties and boxers in a bunch.
photographers are good, they take photos to help us remember about shows we were at.
but a good and professional photographer should be able to take good photos without disrupting the band or the fans.
those professionals who take those photos at gigs help to promote your band on their websites so bare with the flashes, yeah its irritating..

haha thats me in the picture, photographer is Amaka, forgot that bros website though gotta ask my friend

PS: no more metal for me ^^
vickomaniac : i'm not a photographer, i film gigs @ YouTube - gigvideos's Channel , lately abit busy heheh. so not much updates.

recklessnick : well, a photo speaks a thousand words , a video speaks a thousand photos (frames). we're memory-immortalizers, the bands that put up a kickass show create the memory