An incident just now tat had me thinking..

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think or feel

Bro... its either you think with ur head or u feel with your heart, if u can come to an in between lagi best. But most importantly , you got to decide which is right for yourself and understand its consequences and believe in what you choose. Sometimes sacrifices are called for. Be happy and make your next step a good one forward.

Faith be with you.
interesting post.

1. is there such thing as 'born again Muslim'?

2. Islam does NOT forbid music. nasyid in its essence IS music. the Prophet (SAW) encourages Muslims to intonate Quranic recitations & warned that those who do not, aren't his true followers. many scholars allude this hadith to the permission of activities involving rhythmic indulgences. in Islam, one is to observe indulgences within limits (as with others), because excess is the favour of the damned.

IMO a true believer (regardless of his religion) is one who does not compromise his philosophies. Cat Stevens is one of the most renowned convert & he has not totally gave up music either. simple reason: music IS from God.

Peace to everyone.
I think Islam can be a very modern religion.
But essentially I feel that Islam is more like a way of life, but rather its traditions that make it feel like a religion.

I think you can still be a gd muslim playin music. come on its just playin music. Unless your music is spreading bad propaganda I don't know how it's really a bad thing playing music.

Well, if you feel the calling to devote your life to your beliefs like your friend then I think by all means, but if you just feelin guilty about how you're livin your life now compared to your fren... I think you just need some time to reflect...
seekz said:
I think Islam can be a very modern religion.

as Islam was the last revelation from the Creator, it was made to be always contemporary, its applicability trancends beyond time.
you see... you're bringing your values into my point.
Lets just keep it at "modern" shall we? hehe
tick tock

I think this thread could explode anytime.....its getting too touchy. Freedom of speech yes, as always, comes with responsibility. Just a point to preserve harmony alright?
well i feel its nothing speacial faizal...seen alot of frens ..
change ...why i dunno...but they still appreciate music. tho..

i also agree with sub on this not forbidden in Islam..
as a matter of fact music help to ease the mind.

some religious ppl sang in order to praise the Lord/GOd :)
seekz said:
you see... you're bringing your values into my point.
Lets just keep it at "modern" shall we? hehe

sorry if i offended you- did not intend to.

just to clarify- because i'm a Muslim, i understand that the religion was made to be contemporary. its contents are made to be applicable to date. this is not my philosophy but one conceived by the religion. Islam is not a modern belief neither is it in a position to be applicable in a modern context. Islam is Islam. no offence to anyone. just trying to explain.

dear Darren, i'm not trying to prick anyone's nerves here, in any case, i appreciate your timely reminder. i may seem hostile but in this faceless world of the internet, such interpretations are but the norm.

i'm not one who is eager to participate in religious discussions either because it will end up in heated exchanges most of the time. however, the starter of this thread has provided some interpretations to the religion which would benefit from an alternative perspective.

peace to everyone.
there are.

if you are a malay & a Christian, you're Malay Christian. this is reflected in the country's census FYI... the current mindset is this: ALL Malays here (in SG) are Muslims. well, that's not the case.
The Malay Christians here have it really tough.

Very touchy subject here, lets move out of the Malay Christian discussion.
to subver:

I think cos the poor dude is just confused about his future, so I was just tryna just give "value-free" advice. don't wana bring in any religious values into the thread. I apologise too if there was any insensitivy on my part.

to the rest:
I think the dude just wants a lil advice or opinions only lah.

Bringin in all the "what malays and muslim" and the christianity thingy.
and all the no objective stuff is really just weighin down the thread.
just "RANTing"
unsane said:
i dont see whats all this paranoia about "touchy" or "sensitive" subjects..

people got their own boudaries, especially relgious ones. we're just tryin to show some respect and not bring in any off our own values that crosses any of those boundaries.

by not discussin about religion we eliminate the chance of any stupid ignorant cock highjackin the thread with something potentially offensive.

ppl already fightin when dicussin about tone already.
getting sensetive liao the topic... lol

wateva it is.... wat u can say to ur frd is, "gd for u"

i dun see anytink wrong,hell yeah it is a gd thing. the world is gettin too modernised (sori if the spelling wrong). not every1 noes abt their religion reli well n deep bcoz of the influences their pulled into n bz schedules. i'm sure all religion is gd.but maybe his frd learn n found out how beautiful Islam is to maybe tts y he decided to move on.

and comes to think of it... i have lots of frds who is gd in music and oso in their religion ways.. a few are from the big bands here.

so.. i guess we relek the topic a bit la..the person was juz wondering,tts all
lightmrwan_sg said:
there's christian malays?? i didn't know dat.. well in indonesia there are christian but ar they called malay?? :)

Yes. Please do note Malay is a general terms. While there are original Malays whose race are Malay. But the Baweanese, Javanese, Bugis, Kadazan, Bajao, Iban, bla bla bla bla bla ... Muru, Dayak are considered Malays too... or we called it "serumpun"

Btw, i think this is more of a brilliant political strategy created by Tunku Abdul Rahman, and it works.

Kudo's to Allahyarham.
seekz said:
people got their own boudaries, especially relgious ones..

If like that, non-muslim, please dont join the discussion, we have a difference and your post willbe very prone result in flaming :roll:
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