All A level 08 students

I wouldn't kid myself and say that the Maths paper was easy. Doing so would only serve to delude myself further.
the more i read replies to this thread,

the harder i think the paper is.
something's not right D:
heard got 1 killer 10 mark question in H2 math paper.
H2 geog paper came out climate and c02 effect on atmosphere, gay.
Also, the question on measuring infiltration rates. uh oh.
yah the killer qstion
no parts, straightaway one 10marks fly at you.
i dodged it.
I just realised that h2 geog this year was exactly the same as h1 last year for the most part. They didn't even bother to rephrase. Wtf?
But still, most didn't expect it right? Most of my geog friends said that they died for the paper.
this year paper like all very fierce ah. like don't have any easy TYS kind of thing (or they twisted until beco weird)... Math h1 ownage - no Sampling question at all. Our art students favourite Quota Systematic Stratified Random Sampling all no show...
Eh btw slash, actually no math still can - just abit tougher to get into business type courses... Some schools don't even require them to take math actually... But well yeah everyone in my class pure math question one after drawing the graph move on to next question liao... HHAHAHA
heard got 1 killer 10 mark question in H2 math paper.

That was the friggin free-est 10 mark question I ever nailed, you just need to express Y interms of X, substitute into the formula for area, differentiate in terms of X, let dA/dX = 0, thats your max area, find X for that and sub your X into your original Y value. Dead simple.
oh yah sia the 10 marks differentiation question.
another killer question is the AP/GP interest question, which totals to 14 marks i think. that question more cb. lost 14 marks to that question already.
another killer question is the AP/GP interest question, which totals to 14 marks i think. that question more cb. lost 14 marks to that question already.

That was not killer, I got killed for the 6a.

the AP GP question was not that bad, if you mugged formulas it'd be easy. and the GP question was a repeat of the first AP/GP question in your TYS. Go and see.
Wow Hydrofly you're pretty good at math! Which school are you from? Looks like you'll get full marks for the paper, while I certainly won't.
bio paper was the bomb!

i swear if u add up the whole TYS hardest qstions also easier than this year paper
wth... bio was fcknuts mann it was some kickass paper la.. the questions all damn weird.. anyone did question 2 for essay instead of qn1? hahaha i'll respect you seriously