All A level 08 students

lol...argh AFC!!! i was rather confident that it won't come up for essays so i went huh and stunned when afc came up in the case study part instead. hehe maybe the qn is sth like an 11th anniversary thing to 'commemorate' afc cos it did for last yr essay...hmm my friends and i had quite a time debating over the support and challenge sources though...

I think there were 2-3 sources that were quite neutral and could go either way... Ha ha I never knew there were so many history students on SOFT! Considering that there are so few history h2 students in Singapore.. Hehehe someone plot a history-music correlation graph!
I would love a management of hazards, tropical cyclones. Just no global warming. I like plate tech too. Hydro, bit risky.
Hydrofly: I'm from MJC also. Ya la basket math paper damn bugger... and still 250plus people got above C. You should try our chem paper, it'll give you the time of your life ^^

No lah I'm from CJC, I tried your school papers, like HUH?! Harder than ACJC!
Organic chem is definitely one scoring section, if you do TYS you see the mother load of marks they give for one simple question (name reactants/condition/product can be up to 8 marks).

But seems like the amount of organic stuff that comes out is always quite standard, 1 big qn in Paper 2 & 1 question in Paper 3
I take Geog Lit Econs and H1 Maths.

Monday is going to kill me, i swear. -sigh. But i'm spamming mass movement and hoping for it to come out though. Those taking geog, what do you think might come out for essays? I'm desperate.

And i'll have a full week free before my last paper which is lit paper 5 which is something you can't mug for which makes life loving meaningless for me for the month ahead.

Heck, we shouldn't even be online now.
SBQ i just used AFTA and the normal Mushawarah Mufakat treatment... Ha ha i feel for the geog people, any paper after a GP paper is brain drain. I have no idea how they plan the schedules..
Lol nice if deep weathering came out and they ask us to draw the formation of granite landforms. Mine always ends up looking like shit.
hmm...just do u guys use AFTA as contextual knowledge for the sources? eh...basically i insert bits and pieces of info here and there but the main strategy i used was to use info to discredit the support sources cos overall there wasn't much achievements i think...
hmm...just do u guys use AFTA as contextual knowledge for the sources? eh...basically i insert bits and pieces of info here and there but the main strategy i used was to use info to discredit the support sources cos overall there wasn't much achievements i think...

Yeah I did use information to discredit the support sources. Which school are you from?
Because my whole main flow of argument was that ASEAN failed to prevent the crisis and ultimately all the actions were only taken after the AFC - but for my source that supported the hypothesis (the mahathir one, I added in that ASEAN had came up with AFTA so it wasn't totally weak).
i totally don't get history and geography at all.
the only humanity i can do decently well is literature.


when does a lvl end ah btw?

enjoy A level exams.. uni's gonna take the fun (and easy) from anything!
now go study!
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