has more sustain than alder.
Faizal_rocks bro, considering that the humbucker on a H-S-S strat is close to the bridge, the bright and trebly tone is inherent. Just that with alder, the highs become more prominent.
One way to counter this is to install a humbucker with a warmer, moderate output and less treble and mids. =)
hey Pathein, i saw a forum saying that basswood is something between alder and mahogany.. is it true..?
Faizal_rocks bro, considering that the humbucker on a H-S-S strat is close to the bridge, the bright and trebly tone is inherent. Just that with alder, the highs become more prominent.
One way to counter this is to install a humbucker with a warmer, moderate output and less treble and mids. =)
Single Note Sustain on High E string
Alder: EEEEEEEEEEEEEeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee.....
Basswood: EEeeeEEeeeEeeeeeEEEeeeeeee....e...eE....ee...e..E..
Barre Chord Strumming
Alder: Jgeng Jgeng Jgeng
Basswood: Jreng Teng Kreng
Swinging Guitar On Someone's Head Aftermath
Alder: Person lying down in a pool of his own blood and unconcious
Basswood: Person sitting down unconcious with guitar body parts around
I dont care alder, basswood, compressed wood, plastic, etc. A guitar which feels good on my hands is a good guitar. hehe