
predz23, i don't know what you're getting at with Islam and abortion. Your comment is vapid and useless. I am a Muslim and i feel it is morally and ethically wrong to abort. Don't try to be a pretentious prick and start preaching your ideas, just because you THINK you have the backing of the Quran. To TS: please don't make rash decisions. It is paramount that you take into consideration the feelings of others (like your GF for e.g). Because even though you have solved your problems, you might cause more problems for these people. And no i'm not being ignorant because i didn't state a defined solution for your 'mess'. Being ignorant is not wanting to face your problems.

what?!?! why so hostile?!? I'm not a muslim, I had all these debates in school before. We discussed how religious viewpoints change the entire view of abortion. Islamic view, christian view, humanist view etc. All i was saying "foetus<Actual living person" the muslim part was just an example of religion creating different viewpoints. Screw you for accusing me of preaching 'my view of islam' when I'm not even muslim. you think all muslims think alike?

... In Islam, the baby receives it's soul after it was born, if I'm not wrong its a month or two after they are born, so it also depends on what you believe too

Hey dude,

My 2cents advice. Just talk to ur parents. i know its difficult, but at least u can try without having to go for abortion. A mark of being a true man is making the right decisions in difficult times. U gotta make a good decsion.

I understand all of us will be stressed by the finances of raising a kid, tat's y i would advice u to seek ur parents or relatives if u have. I'm sure honesty will pay off dude. Its not easy but u juz gotta heck it and tell the truth. It'll set u free and make u feel better rather than now u're feeling like shit stressed abt wat to do next.

Talk to ur gf too. U love her right? Abortion is really a traumatizing experience. I have friends who went for it and they get tramutised by it. So pls, dun choose this option. There is always a way out.

At most, u will kena scolded, beaten by ur parents but that beats better than killing ur own kid dude.

I'm sure u'll find strength somehow. Take care man.
Rem, be a man and admit to ur mistakes. wat done cannot be undone, but u can always make the right decisions and right the wrong. :)
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Won't get embroiled in the abortion moral debate, but let's jsut focus on the person who should really be the centre of attention: the girlfriend. We've heard close to nothing about her opinion. Heck, does she even know if she's about to be pregnant?
okay predz23, chillax, this thread isn't about you :), its about the TS! yeah, solve his problem then solve yours hehehe :X
long discussion, can't read all, but I going to jump in (once only...:)

what i believe is... human life more precious than a law. so every law should end up benefit human life. yes in normal situation abortion is not permitted, but a great law should able to facilitate any situation.
I know I would keep the child even if I'm not financially ready because that is something I can change, but aborting a child is something that can't be undone.

No you don't know.

While I agree with you wholeheartedly on the moral aspect, I cannot but disagree with you pragmatically.

I am a father, a husband, and provider to my family. I know that what makes my family wonderful is the desire (ok, not like my boy has a choice), between my wife and I to maintain a family together. My wife puts in 150% of her heart to being a great wife, amazing daughter-in-law, and fantastic mother. That emotional and physical commitment one makes to the other is very real.

The problem I have with your arguement on whether the TS should or should not keep the baby is that it is not a matter of regret or sorrow that will take place. That his GF is pregnant is already done. It's unavoidable. His relationship with her, abortion or not, will already change regardless of the decision.

What's apparent is that he has no desire, whatever reasons, to marry her and start a family at this point, prepared or not. It makes no difference whether he is 18 or 28. There are 30 odd year olds out there who have the same mental hurdle when it comes to commitment.

So, since he has a problem with establishing a family, there is really no point in goading him to continue with the pregnancy. Moral or not, it will end in disaster no matter what the decision on the foetus is. Instead of being happy with a family, he will feel saddened, burdened and obligated. It will destroy not only his life, but his partners, and more sadly, his child's. The family would most likely end up dysfunctional, and the child will suffer. Honestly, I really couldn't careless about the parents... I just don't wish such a fate on any child. Especially if that child were to be mine.

If you have no children, you will have no clue how much your life changes. Hearing stories from friends or family will ever prepare you for the joys of parenthood. For one who has no intention of keeping the child, forcing him down this route will only result in resentment and frustration build up in him when he discovers how much of his current lifestyle is lost.

Many if not all of the marriages you know of that fail basically fail for the same reason: They got married for the wrong reasons. Saying "I Love You" is not reason enough to get married, no matter how simple it seems.

And getting married for the sake of keeping a child is a sad and unfortunate reason, and is doomed for disaster.

While it does pain me to see the possiblity of a life extinguished, I cannot but advise that if he is not prepared for the trials and tribulations of a family, then it is seriously better for everybody if the pregnancy is terminated.

That abortion is a traumatising experience, is a given. It is more emotionally painful than physically. But that is momentary, and fleeting in the whole span of life, when you consider that what will affect you for months, is nothing compared to what will affect a child for the rest of his/her life.

Advising that the child be born and given up for adoption is also a flawed perspective. What do you think the Mother will go through after carrying for 10 months then delivery? And after, having to give up the child for adoption? Do you KNOW how much pain that will cause? Not to mention the other pains that will come AFTER all that?

No. Unless you are a parent.
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what whitestrat says is right because I've yet to be a parent (already married btw) myself but I always say "plan it to be unplanned" , that way if it happens it's good, if not, it's also good news. most impt is enjoy the process. I've had my own fairshare of "scares" as youth. no job, no qualifications, no money and only dreams but at least I know the meaning of "consequences". and if it meant "sacrificing my own life (future)" than to be labelled a 'murderer' so be it. I know the whole debate will be about "if you couldn't even provide for the kid to study later on or a comfortable life, it's a worse fate than abortion/death" , my say is , how would YOU know? maybe one fine day you pick up a toto ticket that someone dropped and win first prize 5 million also you wouldn't know. besides it's for the "kid" to say worse fate saying that he/she rather die than to live poor, then be my guest and commit suicide for all I care.. that way the kid can choose his own abortion. at least I've done my part living the consequences as a responsible parent.

Whitestrat is an example of a calm, rational and understanding person..

please people, that poor guy is already in deep shit, u do not have to criticize him, and add more salt to the wound..

be comforting, not tell him to die, buzz off, be stupid etc..
but I always say "plan it to be unplanned" , that way if it happens it's good, if not, it's also good news. most impt is enjoy the process.

Can I pre-warn you? It's a lot harder than it seems? A bit of planning IS required... Just don't stress yourself out too much.:mrgreen:
Bro, honestly I've been in your shoes and though the fetus was still under two weeks old when we decided to abort it, till today I am still thinking about it and am actually living with guilt.

And this was at least 14 years ago, when we were young and foolish.

honestly i think you should not approach an internet music forum for help, most of us are not professional, we're not that qualified to offer you advice.

Instead, go seek help from family and counselling agencies. If you worried about being discovered by your family and peers, dont worry, these professional swear by a strict code of non-disclosure of client related information.
wait.. i didnt know abortion was a genre?

if your worried about abortion..why have sex in the first place?
if your that type who cant find solutions for a trouble.
try this.
wake up tommrow morning,open up your windows.
find a problem.
find a solution to it.

do it everyday and youll be alrig

*zomg why is the weather odd today

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