SeekZ and I (and others too) have given our opinions. We did not force them down the TS's throat and condemn his actions. We both respect his decision. We only lament that the couple has chosen to abort.
I think we ALL lament that he has chosen to abort.
Like I said, it is a difficult decision, and one should never be called on to make this choice. But it does happen, even for married couples who discover that their 4 month old baby has down syndrome. It's painful.
Look, I don't think I want to start another round of arguements about who said what since the posts are all in this thread and can be easily read if one wishes.
I'll take the first step. Maybe I misread your post and thought you came across strongly as a pro-abortionist. Maybe I misjudged that it seems as if your main point of arguement for the TS was that it was wrong to abort so he shouldn't. If so, I apologise if you did indeed mean what you just posted.
WhiteStrat, I don't know what you have against us.
I have nothing against both of you. To me, there was initially no "US". you were 2 separate individuals until Seekz himself asked about the trolling. That's when I put the 2 and 2 together. Again, perhaps I was wrong in assuming later that you are both posting in tandem. If so, I apologise again.
You certainly have more parenting experience but there is no need to be patronizing because you have that experience. You painted a very grim picture, telling us that life under social services and being adopted is painful and tough. Perhaps you believe so because you have seen such situations in person. However, I believe that there are also happy couples and adopted children living together. I have read such articles and saw these success stories on the news as well. I feel that that adoption could go both ways.
You're right, I don't have to be patronising. The reason I posted such was because I felt your initial post was childing the OP, with views that may not necessarily have been applicable. That's why, out of your entire post, I only quoted one part. Furthermore, it wasn't targeted specifically at you as a personal attack, but rather about that you feeling that JohnF should keep the baby because that's what you would do. I was pointing out that your view might not necessarily have been optimum for his situation. Again, I apologise if I came across too harsh.
Yes, adoptions do go on well in some cases. however for me, if there was a slim remote chance that something could go wrong for my child, I would refuse it. I personally don't like to take chances with my child's life.
I paint a grim picture because that's what it is. The TS needs to realise how SEVERE his decision is, and what's serious about it. It really is no laughing matter. While I appreciate the optimistic views of others, I feel that sometimes it is necessary to see the real world, which is really not as nice and sweet. Anything extra would be a bonus.
I hope we can end this discussion on a cordial note. We are not out to make enemies with you. We do not know each other personally so please do not make judgements on our behalf. We did not make any assumptions about you or targetted your views.
You can call us "leavers" if you wish. I chose not to partipate because the TS has already made his decision and there was no further need for us to comment.
I did not initally set out to make enemies either. Again I stress, to me, there was no "US" link between the 2 of you. Thus, my "leaver" comment was one of anger directed at Seekz. Read the tone of his post. Does it sound amicable? Like someone who really wants a peaceful solution? Had he spoken to me like you do now, I would have definately spoken with reason rather than emotion.
If you'd notice, I have removed the "leaver" remark because I felt that is was uncalled for, and should not have been made.
None of you have stated your actual beliefs, except to consistently tell the TS unconditionally not to abort. That would lead to a "pro-abortionist" assumption on my part.
Again, if this is mislead, I apologise.