What I'm trying to say is that if we could all be more gracious, look out for each other, stop littering, queue up properly for buses, stand behind the yellow line, clear our trays at fast food joints, stand to the left on the escalators, aim properly and flush the toilet, cover our mouths when we cough, ash and dispose our cigarette butts properly, etc-
then, we would progress as a society that takes care and looks out for itself, and we can all breathe a little easier. Most of the ridiculous rules in place would become redundant. Rules and regulations exist because Big Brother believes that we can't take care of ourselves, and there is plenty of evidence to support his view.
PS: If you are guilty of inconveniencing other people, and regularly put yourself ahead at the expense of others, you have no right to complain about the $30 fine. It's people like you that have made our country the police state that it is today.