20, 30, 40 Crisis

I look at young people who impress me and I feel like my youth was wasted; you know you can't turn the clock back and impress others like them.

yea. :[ i feel that way too...makes me wish that i tried harder or did more last time. but oh well, can't do anything about lost time. just gotta make sure don't waste anymore time! :]
guys, instead of saying the cup is half empty , just say the cup is half full. Mind of over matter. Age is but a number ... just dont give up and keep trying . Dont be so sad la... nothing is impossibe until you think it is .
yea. :[ i feel that way too...makes me wish that i tried harder or did more last time. but oh well, can't do anything about lost time. just gotta make sure don't waste anymore time! :]

I don't believe in marrying time and music. What's the rush? I'm turning 20 too this year, and i do not feel a need to impress anyone. I feel that I make better music when I forget about all else and focus on the flow
walau this is cheap thrill man...

I am a girl so, younger men annoys me to bits yea?
I love to take control but I like being guided too.

With guys,you cant have them both ways,they apparently come with only a one way function.Unless they are flirts but then again,that comes with only one function:The liar liar pants on fire button :P
for guys.. NS teach us a pretty good lesson in turning 20.You are no longer living a life for yourself, you have a personal responsibility for the people around you. Well, your life becomes less about yourself, more about other people.

Achievements wise. Its simple 1.know what you want 2.want it badly enough 3.get it
Dont procrastinate, be proactive. It is not usually the case that if you dont achieve much during you adolescence years, you are unlikely to achieve much in your adulthood.
i wish i am 20!!!
now i'm almost done wif my 20s!!!

i wasted a lot of time but hell it was an experience.
dun look it like a big crisis la... it is a crisis only wen u realised tat u are 50,nt married and no savings.
Haha, wa lao, you guys think that being 20 is old??! Do you know how many people in this world would kill just to be 20 again? It's just the beginning of your young adulthood. Make the best of it! Cherish your youth while you still got it :D