i'm sorry vaiyen that perhaps it seemed like a joke to some of us..
bcoz somehow i have some verbal diarrhoea ..
well of course death revolves around sadness because you have to let go of the person forever no matter how close or how you both love each other so much to the extent that you'd die for each other.
but then we all have to take things the hard way when we lose our close or loved ones because it's all fated. no one is immortal in this world and even the healthiest of the human race dies sooner or later. (DUH)
especially when a teenager dies before his parents do. i've experienced it before, and how my mom & dad was so distraugt that they asked the almighty why the Almighty took my brother away first, not them.
& my neighbour who died because he drowned off changi beach on 17th november 2004, like one year after this guy fell out the window. u should have seen his family members scream n moan n groan like mad at the carpark. might seem funny to some, but well, life ~