Epl Thread

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Arsenal lack players with experience.ther have new players playing for a strong team like blackburn for example ,Eboue,adebayor,diaby,febregas . Although they performed well last night,they dont have the experience needed,Plus the defence and midfield was awful. none of the defenders were marking the strikers.Other than than that,the attacking midfielders were OK .Now who will be the next captain if players like Henry,Pires, Bergkamp,ljungberg had already by next season?(excluding Lehmann)
yeah.. how i wish arsene wenger would re sign viera for next season... he was arsenal main link... they dont have a replacement for him ever since he left... well, i can always keep my finger cross... :wink:
After the last 10 years finishing top two...AFC has a blooper seasons and all the also ran wanna be supporters come out of the woodwork braging abt Spurs, Blkburn etc etc..lah..ah so wat...ARSENAL DESTINED TO WIN CHAMPIONS LEAGUE THIS YEAR! Mancs will lift Carling "Mickey Mouse" Cup tonight ..Chelski League & FA Cup Dbl... the rest of the clubs will be "catching" their loose balls.... 8)
one thing I will say is; SELL SENDEROUS TO SPURS!!! we lost too many times because of him...
fgl said:

Bro, you sure or not? With ARSEnal's current run...Real might come at them really hard for the return leg...unless ARSEnal produces another "whack the ball real hard whenever it's in the box" game, I just don't see them beating Real...
Parameswara - sori but having watched Senderous since last season & all the games in whch we lost 1-0 this season coz of him..I gotta say SELL him... he's just another Gus Casaer, Mathew Upson, Giles Grimandi etc type when we need more ADAMS, KEOWN AND BOULD types back there.

Darkness - tell U wat ...If Real beats AFC in return leg - I BUY U A NEW S/S/H pickguard of yr choice? How? But if AFC beats real then...? How? 8)
fgl said:
Darkness - tell U wat ...If Real beats AFC in return leg - I BUY U A NEW S/S/H pickguard of yr choice? How? But if AFC beats real then...? How? 8)

O.O Honest or not?! If ARSEnal beat them then...I donno leh...what you want? Lol...XD
Since it's an SX strat - IF AFC LOSE - I WILL CUSTOM CUT A NEW PICKGUARD FOR YOU...If they win how? haha...? 8)
Bro my regular pickguard cutter guy charges ME $25 and outsiders $35-40 for a custom cut pickguard....$10 a bit too little leh....

anyway test fit yr pickguard 1st.... with others...never can tell... 8)
for fgl

he fgl, u sure u're an arsenal supporter? and ur english is pretty bad too, and regarding the arsenal players, mayb u could read back ur previous posts and maybe do some research on ur arsenal's player names, then can brag about them winning champions league ok? thankiew :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D 8) 8) 8) 8) 8) 8) 8) 8) 8) 8) 8) 8) 8) 8) 8) 8) 8) 8) 8) 8) 8) 8) 8) 8) :twisted: :twisted: :twisted: :twisted: :twisted: :twisted: :twisted: :twisted:
fgl said:
Bro my regular pickguard cutter guy charges ME $25 and outsiders $35-40 for a custom cut pickguard....$10 a bit too little leh....

anyway test fit yr pickguard 1st.... with others...never can tell... 8)

Yea, I'll be bringing me guit down...10 dollar too little ar? Bo pian la..student mah...must have student price also...XD
sweepshread.... ARSENAL FOR THE C.L! Unless you have a masters degree in English, I think my English 's better than yrs mate.... bugger off to the Tottenham then cobber...
DarknessFury said:
fgl said:
Bro my regular pickguard cutter guy charges ME $25 and outsiders $35-40 for a custom cut pickguard....$10 a bit too little leh....

anyway test fit yr pickguard 1st.... with others...never can tell... 8)

Yea, I'll be bringing me guit down...10 dollar too little ar? Bo pian la..student mah...must have student price also...XD

hmmmm ask sweepshreadpick to sponsor U a little more lah.... he seems like a nice guy..? :lol:
hahaa...sweepshredpick, just friendly ribbing only la why act so gangster...

farid...its all good bro..but you gotta admit arsenal are having a real crap season this year..dont say coming out of the woodwork...been a spurs fan for 13+ years already hahaa. take care and thanks for the defret job..i'm outta this country.
unsane said:
hahaa...sweepshredpick, just friendly ribbing only la why act so gangster...

farid...its all good bro..but you gotta admit arsenal are having a real crap season this year..dont say coming out of the woodwork...been a spurs fan for 13+ years already hahaa. take care and thanks for the defret job..i'm outta this country.

No lah bro...I'm jusz ribbin with the rest of em....I got many spurs fan kakis (including current bassist Steward) & we enjoy ribbin each other chalat2 esp during live telecast etc...

If I'm not mistaken sweepshreadpick is a ManU fan.... 8)
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