ZENG my Strat bridge pickup!


New member
Hey guys, i wonder whether any of you find ur strat's single coil bridge thin and u are thinking of hot rodding it to make it more versatile.

I was thinking of it. And one of my options would be a single-coil sized humbucker.

There are rail types and the little humbuckers versions out there. I have had bad experiences with rail types of humbuckers having no character. wad are ur views???

Or recommendations of specific models.
You could use a midboost.

From experience, I find a JB Jr a little too bright on an alder body with a maple fretboard, even when it's connected to a tone control. Maybe you could try out a lil 59.
For midboost, consider an onboard Demeter Mid Boost. Up to 14dB, and it converts your signal into high impedance too. A veyr natural sounding midboost, and it can give yoru single coils that pseudo humbucker fatness.


Thor you got 1 for sale right?

Or you can try the EMG SPC, a 6dB mid boost... a friend of mine has it... I tink its barely enough... but YMMV.
Get the K7 knob at G77... originally from the kinmans pickup electronics. I think G77 has their own version now. The k7 acts as a volume control for the neck pickup when you are at the bridge and mid/bridge settings allowing you to blend in the neck pickup to your bridge tones....

The single coil bridge tone though great on its own. With the neck blended in - will nail heavier tones as well ... That beats swapping in a hotrails etc...for me...
just an alternative route for you single coil users out there!
I would say, you wouldn't know if you don't try! Since you have tried a rail type humbucker before, why not try a lil humbucker instead? You can try overwound or stacked single coils too. Dimarzio has a few.
another option might be the Quarter Pound for strats - it's a single coil with higher ouput, more bass response if i'm not wrong, check seymour duncan's homepage for charts and samples
since we're on the topic, i'd like to clear some questions in my head. U know Dimarzio has this virtual vintage pickups right??? Why are they virtual or why do they call them that??

My friend said its their stack series. But why the hs-2 hs-3 not called virtual???
ShredCow said:
Thor you got 1 for sale right?

Yea, but it's not too ethical to pimp my wares here... :lol:

I never tried it though and it's lying in my house for no good reason. If anyone's interested, just pay me some dough and you can install it on your guitar; if you don't like it, I'll just refund you in full. How's that? :wink:
ShredCow said:
it converts your signal into high impedance too.

doesn't that equate to more signal degradation with a long cable (from guitar to first effect)? correct me if i'm wrong though.

anyhow, to reply to the topic, i'd suggest getting an overdrive pedal that has a mid-boost of sorts*. that way, on clean, u retain the clarity and bell-like tones inherent to a strat's single coil, no need one for the other!

alternatively, there're products like the aforementioned demeter midboost, and also the has-sound midrange plus (passive).

these are just suggestions, hope i don't mislead any. :oops:

*i'd suggest the korg classic overdrive, but its been discontinued for a few years now, it is capable of churning out a decent crunch with my stock mij '62 reissue tele.
ChanMin said:
Get the K7 knob at G77...

man i tried a set of V-60 Suhr single coils on a Van Zandt strat, flipped to k7 - phewww 8)

@thread starter - Dimarzio Cruiser or the Duncan lil 59 might be the hotrod u need. get the K-7 switching as well hehe :)
fwah Paulo... thats boooh teek stuff man ...

but the K7 really rocks... esp for single coils. My bridge almost always has the neck blended in to some degree.... sounds much fuller...
thanks guys for the input. Btw how much is k7?

And someone please answer my question about dimarzio virtual vintage. why are they 'virtual'?
I remember reading the term "Virtual Vintage" is just a marketing gimmick. Can't remember the link or details to tell you whether it's humbucker or stacked design... it should be a humbucker design though.

[It should be on the SD forum website, but their search function is limited to new posts, so it's difficult to find. Maybe you can repost the question over there.]
Yea, but Dimarzio doesn't have a forum. :P The SD forum folks are pretty cool anyway, they talk about any brand of pickup as long as the discussion doesn't involve flaming the brand.
Virtual Vintage is virtually vintage but not vintage cos its virtual so it approximates vintage. Since its virtually vintage and its got 6 pole pieces that means its must be stacked.

Virtual Vintage to Dimarzio is like what Finger Lickin Good is to KFC.

Buy a new strat......all these mods and pup changes will end up costing more in the long run. You will end up with a DHL Jumbo box full of pots and caps and pups and still not sure if your done yet.

I find the DiMarzio VVs to be fairly patheticly sterile sounding live (I think I had da 2.2s).....they're good enough to cover almost everything but are always 90% to me. But they record really well. For noise cancelling singles, the SD classic stacks are equally good and sound a little livier.

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