I only heard cynaides first song.. too tired so went home. anyway they did "we'er all to blame" by sum 41.
couldnt really hear lah i think technical probs. not sure... anyone caught them?
A big big big big big thank you from Sabrina and I to all members of the organizing committee, Kelly, Bib, Sherry and to Christopher Ong of Whitley Secondary for accomodating to the venue, for the student councilors of Whitley, along with all the technical helpers backstage, sound and lighting. To Loneard Soosay and Syvester for helping out, and Egan and crew for keeping things running smoothly backstage. To Guitar77 for their kindly sponsored guitars, and Motorola for the phone prizes. To the hosts of the event, and the bands; 3dash1, Velvet Rose, Typewriter, Peepshow, West Grand Boulevard, Lucid Vapour, Cyanide and Hyperteria. You guys put up a great performance! We hope you guys all had incredible fun!

Apologies if the security guards were too strict at times, as there were small children within the crowd, some of which were being crushed or pushed around by others :)

It was incredible performing to such an electric and warm crowd, but even better organizing the event and bringing local music alive in such an event.

See you at Rock for Good II :)

S H I O K .

lurgee said:
I think I only met/saw Perplexed. :p
EHHHH!!! Saw me nv come & say hi! :(

I saw the Candie+Pepper duo right up front at the stage and those girls know how to MOVE! Totally putting all the stage-fronters around to shame you two, rock on 8)

My friends from Peepshow mentioned that they chatted with James.. I didn't catch him though. Another time I guess :wink:

My gallery for the gig is UP! Apologies if some of the shots are too dark. The gig itself really was quite - you know - dark. Couple of shots that I personally liked alot:




Oh yah, apologies to people who got wet from the water at the end of Ronin's set. My bad (sort of)

I had a wonderful time @ YGW, a big thanks to everyone who was involved in the event 1 way or another. Anyone else took pictures? *Eyes lurgee*
Tieren said:
Bring back Joanne! I'm kinda pissed off by that =/ Joanne's used to be peepshow's vocalist, but no idea where she went. Joanne's way better than that .. dude.
I've heard both Joanne (when she used to sing for the band) and Zaki perform for Peepshow and I have to say I disagree with you. Both of them have very different styles and to compare the 2 like that is like saying apples are better than pears.

Sorry if I sound abit harsh ah, cheers for being @ the gig 8)
Perplexed said:
Tieren said:
Bring back Joanne! I'm kinda pissed off by that =/ Joanne's used to be peepshow's vocalist, but no idea where she went. Joanne's way better than that .. dude.
I've heard both Joanne (when she used to sing for the band) and Zaki perform for Peepshow and I have to say I disagree with you. Both of them have very different styles and to compare the 2 like that is like saying apples are better than pears.

Sorry if I sound abit harsh ah, cheers for being @ the gig 8)

Yea i guess i should see it that way. Zaki's quite good too anyway.
hokay, as a volunteer, man i gotta say whitley's toilet is ....
ANYONE wanna sponsor a trophy for that????

I was sitting there with a few other volunteers,and we constantly complained about it, and we can do absolutely nothing as that SPOT was the area which was lit to SHOW the crowd where the merchandise were...

Well I caught a 'Stall lifter' trying to steal a west grand blvd wristband...that booger...i kept bugging him for the 5 bucks...CHAOS man...

(my tag was a STOP LOOKING AT MY ASS...Wayne's was FIP!!)