alrighty, first post here, hello you people(:

the guitar's not visa's, it's MINEEEE.
i will now attempt to learn to play, considering my horrible lack of musical talent.
Levan and his uniform.

Ya, i tell you... I mean, Ronin is good la, but its not a Ronin concert(my friends call it "The Ronin concert") right? And there the crowd was booing and cheering for Ronin.

And during Cyanide's set, many people left... And the poor floor was so dirty! The Guitar 77 bookmarks... Tsk. The harm we do to our environment.
sycododo said:
Ya, i tell you... I mean, Ronin is good la, but its not a Ronin concert(my friends call it "The Ronin concert") right? And there the crowd was booing and cheering for Ronin.

yeah, those people who boo-ed the other bands (other than the sucky ones, lol) were seriously irritating.
hey guys, it was a STIM guitar from what i saw. the concert was great! there was so little moshing. thanks to the security guards and some people in the crown who didnt like moshing. :twisted:
Oh I thought I also saw someone moshing against a kid! Wah.

But then again, sometimes I think small kids shouldnt be brought in right to the front, middle ah. I mean, those who bring them there should rmb that there will be people who will get high and stay oblivious to their surroundings and start jumping around, moshing. It is a rock gig afterall.

Poor kid, I felt her hands clawing me, like a lost kitten. :/
lilrampage said:
lol. i think 3dash1 was easily the best live and most appealing band last night. typewriter was cool too.

visa is so tall, of course he got the guitar. haha.

did anyone see me? i was in black, giving out flyers and stuff. and i was sitting on stage when ronin played.

i think. the organisers did a great job. so cheers to them. :)

Lol oiii. You weren't even there most of the time. Rampageontheairwaves. (:

Oh the sound system made it really difficult for us to really enjoy the music. For me, at least, the vocals were always muffled. I couldn't even make out(most of the time) what the emcees were saying.

But the atmosphere and the other stuffs, made it quite fun. I suppose everyone had a blast. =) Kudos to the organisers and helpers and everyone!

Even these two foreign guys came in to ask us what was going on and they wanted to check the bands out. =D=D=D
For the record, Zaki is the lead vocalist for PeepShow. We did have a female vocalist named Joanne before, but that was when Zaki was 'busy'. So now he's back, with a vengeance.
fcuknt said:

alrighty, first post here, hello you people(:

the guitar's not visa's, it's MINEEEE.
i will now attempt to learn to play, considering my horrible lack of musical talent.

Waha, hey sharon. Terrance here. Gemme the guitar.. Gemme gemmeeee....

SeiZMiK said:
For the record, Zaki is the lead vocalist for PeepShow. We did have a female vocalist named Joanne before, but that was when Zaki was 'busy'. So now he's back, with a vengeance.

='( i love Joanne. Lol, i'm like the only joanne fan here. Zaki wasn't bad actually. SK, nice hair \m/

There were guys booing the bands, they don't know anything about the local scene. That's just them.
A lot of them went for ronin only :/

I think those people suck.
Apparently there were people hiding in the canteen during the concert to waiting for ronin only. like wtf la.

Nevermind what came up.
But i like to Congratulate the YOUTH GONE WILD gig of their major success.
:supz: :supz: :supz: :rock: :rock: :rock: :rock: :rock: :rock: :rock: