Your first gig??

lol, first gig was in school i sucked...
next gig sucked too...i played some good charlotte stuff and forgot the solo, but instead of covering up, i froze there and everyone stopped!! :lol:
Mine were like over 10 years ago....

Still remember those guys...

Drummer: Matno (now global chaos)
Guitar: Kelvin Chew (now speed metal freak)
Bass: Erizhar (now police man)
Vocal: Andy (now a designer)
Guitar/Keyboard: Myself kekekeke

Very good memories it was Yamaha Youth battle of the Band
First audition at FIRE DISCO STAGE...and we made it to last 8 out of 100s bands. Not bad for the first time lah hahahahaa.

But I have to say that time we are all really really nervous.
And hey TIME FLIES!!!!!!
my first so called gig was a performance in school for a xxxyears anniversary thingy.

Paid $100 for the equipments and stuff just to play 2 songs from Metallica.

Yeah ... was pretty nervous and excited at that time ... graduation show ... last year in school ... wanted to put on a good show for the "chers". But end up getting a straight "Huh" face from the audience .... then we realised we were playing music to "Aaron kwok" fans ... which doesn't make sense to them.

And that was like a decade ago .... gosh can't believe i used that D word!
hmm first gig?

was right outside the victoria concert hall. crappy sound but it was loads fun. kids everywhere, friends everywhere and it was a nice hot hot day.

course, quite embarrassing because i got lost trying to get there.

i have the recording of that gig somewhere. but i'm never going to watch it again. my vocals then is the same as fingernails on chalkboard. bloody irritating high and screechy.

ixora05 said:
that's my worst nightmare as a drummer lol. can imagine the guy's pain. I've never gigged but my friends have plenty of horror stories to share with me so now I have a healthy fear about my first gig, lol. guitarist didn't plug in amp, drummer dropped/broke sticks or went off timing, vox sang off-tune...

something always manage to go wrong for first gigs.. i couldnt hear my bass and mf guitarist had to fill my part in.. still remembered it was megalomaniac by incubus..
sometimes ... it's fun to be just an audience ... the head banging ... body surfing ... moshing .... and throwing pop corns (ok only in cinemas) .... it's fun! :D
Ya and I was so nervous I forgot to plug in my guitar. Was going to give timing to start, then realised it. Audience laughed. Sibeh malu.


Mobius said:
First gig...Supposed to have a soundcheck, but due to admin screw up by the organiser, we din have any. When we hit the first note, the bass was too loud, the accoustic guitar was inaudible, but we continue playin, and somehow pull through :lol:

For me, I forgot to use an fx pedal and i used a seriously soft pick. we played SOAD,Metalica songs, thats all i remember.though it went horrible, the crowd gave a great applause so i didnt feel totally like crap. oh and all the way during playing i looked down. i know it sucked but i sure do miss that moment.
mine was @ youth park.crowd was GREAT.cant believe myself.. i was shaking my booty n singin like it was my world tour... hah.... sweating it out in my tight leather pants.. i wish all crowds were up to it... cos not all da time u get a great young crowd.
shahnazharris said:
mine was @ youth park.crowd was GREAT.cant believe myself.. i was shaking my booty n singin like it was my world tour... hah.... sweating it out in my tight leather pants.. i wish all crowds were up to it... cos not all da time u get a great young crowd.
