Yamaha V50 for SALE $250.00

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New member
A to B

Hi, im interested in buying your V50. do u have msn messenger or yahoo messengeR? i got a few qns to ask.. thanks
Yamaha V50

A to B

Alright. i understand u r selling the V50 at $250. As i m looking forward to getting my first keyboard, i need to know whether it's suitable for me. Of cause im happy with the price. Here's a few qns i need to ask.. how much is it going for a first hand? wad features it got(the instruments and effects)? how old is it? what are u including (eg. adaptor, manual?). For my understanding, i will need drums n percussion, bass, and other sounds that will be useful in recording.
v50 for $250

B to A

this synth launched in 1989, so it's about 15 years old. when it was
relaesed, the selling price is SG$2200 at Yamaha.

it has 200 sounds and 16 effects. it comes with of a manual and power adapter.
the V50 is a workstation, meaning it has synth, drums and a built-in sequencer.

A to B

It's rather old to my knowledge.. i may have trouble repairing it when there's a need to. Can u lower the price .. let's say $100 ?

B to A

I've call up Yamaha service centre and they confirmed the V50 still
has spare parts and it's servicable. Even the floppy drive is not a
problem to serivce

The Yamaha DX7 is 20 years old and people are still using it,
pls note that synths built in the 80s are all rock solid, they are
built like tank as someone mentioned in Soft.com, SO IS THE V50.

If you have a V50 going for S$100, pls sell it to me, I dun mind owning another.
For $100, I have a Yamaha RY30 drum machine for sale, you want it?

You are such a jerk to undercut people, you dun think I'm desperate to sell it.
What a lousy buyer you are, trying badly to squeeze others?

I might as well keep it for a mere $100 ? The performance patch P38 Electric
piano worth more than $500, I'm selling it at $250 because I have two V50s !!!

Let me tell you what you can do for $100 - go Geylang Lor 8-14 and
f**k a Chinese prostitue !!!
Maybe he is warning other people about the "zutian" guy.

Yeah, I remember now. That "zutian" guy is a trader, always offering ridiculous price on luther classads hoping for desperate seller. Then a while later put the item up for sale again with just as ridiculous markups. That was more than a year ago. Always kenna flamed.

thanks, so at least I am helping others with my thread.

so the purpose is what our friend MikeMann mentioned - PLS BE WARNED !!!
Heehee.... problem is that with the internet, kids as young as 13yrs old suddenly have some power that was not available just 10yrs ago.

As their thinking are not mature yet (now I see maturity more and more lacking), their idea is to exploit the situation. And due to age, are wild and reckless.

The questions kids will ask you these days, you will think. "Don't you learn any manners at home??"

So we shall see the "Net kids" generation grow up to be what kind of adults in the future. Will the trend of expecting "instant gratification" follow into adulthood???
yeojjsg, please do not put up other's email address without their permission.
mikemann said:
Heehee.... problem is that with the internet, kids as young as 13yrs old suddenly have some power that was not available just 10yrs ago.

As their thinking are not mature yet (now I see maturity more and more lacking), their idea is to exploit the situation. And due to age, are wild and reckless.

The questions kids will ask you these days, you will think. "Don't you learn any manners at home??"

So we shall see the "Net kids" generation grow up to be what kind of adults in the future. Will the trend of expecting "instant gratification" follow into adulthood???

well .. haha ... i gotta agree with u .


i guess that the way the world works ( slow , burecreatic , chain of command , paperwork) will kill em and "reform" them
In the Singapore-Malaysia water dispute not too long ago, S'pore made public the correspondences that transpired between the 2 countries. That was only the last resort - I'll not go into details.

Yeojjsg, you point is taken. The seller does have a bad attitude and thanks for warning us. But I think that posting the entire correspondence over the forum is uncalled for, unless absolutely necessary (to clear up some big issues and the other person has the chance to defend). Someone did that some time ago - posted some messages that transpired between him and another guy. That was however, because he felt that the other person is out to deceive the others and marginating on the law. In your case, the seller cannot defend himself unless he visits this forum. Even if he does, this thread will become one of argument with perhaps little achieved in the end. So perhaps you should just warn us and keep the correspondences private.
this thread is totally unnecessary in the first place. Simply tell the jeez in the first post and when people ask for details, give it. This is like ranting for no purpose.
heeehee..... seems like ranting is the rage this week on soft forum. From guitar techniques rant, 'ed roman' rant, and now, trading rant.......
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